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Tony Bai edited this page Jul 11, 2013 · 5 revisions

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CBehave - A Behavior Driven Development Framework for C.

Main Features

  • use the "feature + scenario" structure which is (inspired by Cucumber)
  • use classical "given-when-then" template to describe the behavior scenario
  • support mock

An Typical Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "cbehave.h"

FEATURE(1, "strstr")
    SCENARIO("The strstr finds the first occurrence of the substring in the source string")

        GIVEN("A source string: [Lionel Messi is a great football player]")
            char *str = "Lionel Messi is a great football player";

        WHEN("we use strstr to find the first occurrence of [football]")
            char *p = strstr(str, "football");

        THEN("We should get the string: [football player]")
            SHOULD_STR_EQUAL(p, "football player");


    SCENARIO("If strstr could not find the first occurrence of the substring, it will return NULL")

        GIVEN("A source string: FC Barcelona is a great football club.")
            char *str = "FC Barcelona is a great football club";

        WHEN("we use strstr to find the first occurrence of [AC Milan]")
            char *p = strstr(buf, "AC Milan");

        THEN("We should get no string but a NULL")
            SHOULD_STR_EQUAL(p, NULL);

int main() {
    cbehave_feature strstr_features[] = {

    return cbehave_runner("Strstr Features are as belows:", strstr_features);

The result of the example could be seen like:

    CBEHAVE -- A Behavior Driven Development Framework for C
             By Tony Bai
Strstr Features are as belows:

Feature: strstr
    Scenario: The strstr finds the first occurrence of the substring in the source string
        Given: A source string: Lionel Messi is a great football player
        When: we use strstr to find the first occurrence of [football]
        Then: We should get the string: [football player]
    Scenario: If strstr could not find the first occurrence of the substring, it will return NULL
        Given: A source string: FC Barcelona is a great football club.
        When: we use strstr to find the first occurrence of [AC Milan]
        Then: We should get no string but a NULL

    total features: [1]
    failed features: [0]
    total scenarios: [2]
    failed scenarios: [0]

User Guide

"CBehave User Guide" is here. And the Chinese edition is here.