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Provide detailed Getting Started instructions, with alternatives
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Document how to get started with Crank and JSX with no build tool
(using babel standalone), or how to set up JSX properly with Babel
and Parcel (in HTML and in Node), or how to skip JSX entirely and use
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dfabulich committed Apr 17, 2020
1 parent 883a594 commit 8d7b5d8
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 7 deletions.
137 changes: 130 additions & 7 deletions website/guides/
Expand Up @@ -3,30 +3,153 @@ title: Getting Started

## Installation
Crank is available on [NPM]( in the ESModule and CommonJS formats.
Crank is available on [NPM]( and on the unpkg CDN, in the ESModule and CommonJS formats.

### In the browser (no build tool)

You can use Crank directly in your browser, without a build step, like this.

<!-- Don't do this in production! -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import {createElement} from "";
import {renderer} from "";
window.createElement = createElement;
window.renderer = renderer;
<script type="text/babel">
/** @jsx createElement */
renderer.render(<div id="hello">Hello world</div>, document.body);

(Don't do this in production! Transpiling JSX and importing Crank in the user's browser at runtime hurts performance. It's better to transpile JSX and bundle Crank ahead of time, during a build step on your own computer. But this is an easy way to try out Crank.)

### Use JSX in HTML with Babel and Parcel

Crank is designed to be used with a JSX transpiler. In this example, we'll set up [Babel]( and [Parcel](

$ npm install @bikeshaving/crank
$ npm install --save-dev @babel/core parcel-bundler

Create a `.babelrc` file like this:

"presets": [

Create an `index.html` file like this:

<script src="src/index.js"></script>

Create a `src` folder containing `index.js` like this:

/** @jsx createElement */
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/dom";

renderer.render(<div id="hello">Hello world</div>, document.body);
function Greeting({name = "World"}) {
return (
<div>Hello {name}</div>

renderer.render(<Greeting />, document.body);

If your environment does not support ESModules (you’ll probably see a message like `SyntaxError: Unexpected token export`), you can import the CommonJS versions of the library like so:
Add these scripts to the `scripts` section of your `package.json`.

"scripts": {
"start": "parcel index.html --open",
"build": "parcel build index.html"

Then you can `npm run start` to view your app in the browser.

[Try on CodeSandbox](

### Use JSX in Node.js for Server-Side Rendering

In Node, we need to `import` Crank in CommonJS (`cjs`) format, and use the `html` renderer to generate HTML as a string.

After setting up JSX according to the steps above, create this file as `ssr.js`

/** @jsx createElement */
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/dom";
import {createElement} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/index.js";
import {renderer} from "@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/html.js";

function Greeting({name = "World"}) {
return (
<div>Hello {name}</div>

console.log(renderer.render(<Greeting />));

$ npx parcel build ssr.js
$ node dist/ssr.js
<div>Hello World</div>

### Alternative: Use HTM instead of JSX

If you'd like to avoid transpiling JSX, you can use [HTM]( instead. HTM is less beautiful than JSX, but it's easier to set up.

<script type="module">
import {createElement} from "";
import {renderer} from "";
import htm from ''
const h = htm.bind(createElement);
renderer.render(<div id="hello">Hello world</div>, document.body);
function Greeting({name = "World"}) {
return h`
<div>Hello ${name}</div>
renderer.render(h`<${Greeting} />`, document.body);

Or, in Node:

$ npm install htm @bikeshaving/crank

const {createElement} = require("@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/index.js");
const {renderer} = require("@bikeshaving/crank/cjs/html.js");
const h = require("htm").bind(createElement);

function Greeting({name = "World"}) {
return h`
<div>Hello ${name}</div>

console.log(renderer.render(h`<${Greeting} />`));

## Key Examples
### A Simple Component
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