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Next.js with tailwindcss example template

Commitizen friendly

This template was scaffolded from nextjs-with-typescript-example-template. And this template adds tailwindcss so that you can start a new project using Nextjs 13 and tailwindcss.

Why this template

This template includes pre-installed plugins suchas prettier, eslint, stylelint, lint-staged, commitlint and standard version which helps to maintain project code quality.

Before getting started

Make sure you have installed Node.js 16.8 or higher on your machine. You can use nvm to manage multiple node version on your machine.

Getting started

You can setup this project using npm, yarn or pnpm package managers.

Clone repo

git clone
git clone

Navigate to cloned repo

cd nextjs-with-tailwindcss-example-template

Install dependencies

pnpm i
yarn install
npm install

Start development server

pnpm dev
yarn dev
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Build for production

pnpm build
yarn build
npm run build

Start preview server after build

pnpm start
yarn start
npm run start

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


pnpm lint
yarn lint
npm run lint

Lint fix

pnpm lint:fix
yarn lint:fix
npm run lint:fix

Lint style

pnpm lint:style
yarn lint:style
npm run lint:style

Lint style fix

pnpm lint:style:fix
yarn lint:style:fix
npm run lint:style:fix


Open interactive terminal to write conventional commit message

pnpm commit
yarn commit
npm run commit

Run first release

This will create initial release.

pnpm release:first
yarn release:first
npm run release:first

Run release

Follow the Conventional Commits Specification in your repository. And when you're ready to release, run below scripts.

pnpm release
yarn release
npm run release

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, ESLint, Prettier, StyleLint and lint-staged, take a look at the following resources: