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Bitcoin Transcripts

A treasure trove of transcripts associated with Bitcoin and Lightning Network

Bitcoin Transcripts

The transcription pipeline orchestrates the creation, management, and publication of AI-generated technical transcripts related to Bitcoin.

Components Overview

  • Curator: Selects source material and submits the AI-generated transcripts to the central repository.
  • tstbtc: A command-line tool that processes source material to produce AI-generated transcripts using different transcription services.
  • bitcointranscripts: The central repository where all transcripts are stored.
  • transcription-review-backend: Coordinates the review workflow, managing transcript queues, notifications, and reviewer payouts.
  • Discord Server: Community engagement including alerts for users about new transcripts available for review.
  • GitHub: Central platform for authentication, storage, and tracking submissions as part of the review and evaluation workflow.
  • transcription-review-front-end: A user interface for reviewers to manage their review tasks, including transcript editing and submission.
  • Reviewer: Community contributors who refine the AI-generated transcripts, ensuring their quality and accuracy.
  • Evaluator: Responsible for the final review stage, assessing and approving submissions for merging into the central repository.
  • The public-facing website for Bitcoin Transcripts, updated automatically with newly merged content.

Transcription Pipeline Overview

  1. Creation & Queueing: Initiated by the Curator, transcripts are generated using tstbtc and committed to the central repository. This triggers a webhook in the transcription-review-backend, queuing the transcript for review and notifying via the Discord Server for its availability.
  2. Review: Reviewers use the transcription-review-front-end as an enhanced interface to access and edit transcripts. This front-end is linked to GitHub, where each edit is reflected as changes in a unique branch in the reviewer's fork of the repository. The platform facilitates easy viewing, claiming, and modification of transcripts, with the backend coordinating the review workflow.
  3. Evaluation: After editing, reviewers submit their work, creating pull requests to the bitcointranscripts repository. These PRs are then evaluated by an Evaluator who can request further changes or approve and merge the submissions into the main repository.
  4. Finalization: Following the approval, the transcription-review-backend processes the payouts for reviewers.

CLICK for Sequence Diagram of the Transcription Pipeline
    actor Curator
    participant tstbtc
    actor Evaluator
    participant bitcointranscripts
    participant Site as
    participant backend as transcription-review-backend
    participant discord as Discord Server
    participant GitHub
    participant frontend as transcription-review-front-end
    actor Reviewer
    Note over Curator,tstbtc: Transcript Creation Process
    opt transcription using tstbtc
        Curator->>+tstbtc: Submits source for transcription
        tstbtc-->>-Curator: Returns AI-generated transcript
    Note over Curator,discord: Queueing Process
    Curator->>bitcointranscripts: Commits AI-generated transcript
    bitcointranscripts->>+backend: Triggers webhook for new content push
    backend->>backend: Adds new transcript to the Queue
    alt success
        backend-->>discord: Alerts users of new reviewable transcript
    else error
        backend-->>-discord: Alerts developers for error

    Note right of bitcointranscripts: Repository Update
    bitcointranscripts->>Site: Triggers website rebuildte with new content

    Site->>Site: Rebuild with updated content

    Note over bitcointranscripts,Reviewer: Review Process
    Reviewer->>+frontend: Accesses review platform
    frontend->>+GitHub: Requests GitHub login
    GitHub-->>-frontend: Confirms authentication
    frontend-->>-Reviewer: Grants access to platform

    Reviewer->>+frontend: Requests transcripts list
    frontend->>+backend: Queries for available transcripts
    backend-->>-frontend: Returns available transcripts
    frontend->>-Reviewer: Displays transcripts

    Reviewer->>+frontend: Claims a transcript
    alt First-Time Claim
        frontend->>+GitHub: Fork bitcointranscripts repo
        GitHub-->>-frontend: Confirms repository fork
    frontend->>+GitHub: Creates working branch
    GitHub-->>-frontend: Confirms branch creation
    frontend->>+backend: Registers transcript claim
    backend-->>-frontend: Return assigned review ID
    frontend->>-Reviewer: Shows claimed transcript for editing

    loop Edit Transcript
        Reviewer->>+frontend: Save edits
        frontend->>+GitHub: Commit edits to branch
        GitHub-->>-frontend: Confirms commit
        frontend-->>-Reviewer: Save confirmation
    Reviewer->>+frontend: Submits Review
    frontend->>+GitHub: Initiates Pull Request
    GitHub->>+bitcointranscripts: Opens PR to bitcointranscripts repo
    GitHub-->>-frontend: PR creation confirmation
    frontend->>+backend: Notifies backend of submission
    backend-->>-frontend: Acknowledges submission
    frontend-->>-Reviewer: Confirms submission

    Note over Evaluator,Reviewer: Evaluation Process
    loop PR Evaluation
        Evaluator->>+bitcointranscripts: Reviews PR
        alt Comments
            bitcointranscripts-->>Reviewer: Requests change
            loop Edit Transcript
                Reviewer->>+frontend: Save edits
                frontend->>+GitHub: Commit edits to branch
                GitHub-->>-frontend: Confirms commit
                frontend-->>-Reviewer: Save confirmation
        else Accept
            bitcointranscripts-->>Reviewer: Approves PR

    Evaluator->>bitcointranscripts: Merges PR
    bitcointranscripts->>backend: Triggers webhook for PR merge
    backend->>backend: Calculate payout and credit to Reviewer's account

    Note right of bitcointranscripts: Repository Update
    bitcointranscripts->>Site: Triggers website rebuild
    Site->>Site: Rebuild with updated content

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  4. Public

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  6. .github .github Public


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