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fix(tsc): composite projects #24

fix(tsc): composite projects

fix(tsc): composite projects #24

Triggered via push April 2, 2024 15:06
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 32s


on: push
Matrix: build
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6 errors and 1 warning
packages/tsc/tests/dts.spec.ts > vue-tsc-dts > Input: class-slots/component.vue, Output: class-slots/component.vue.d.ts: packages/tsc/tests/dts.spec.ts#L75
Error: Snapshot `vue-tsc-dts > Input: class-slots/component.vue, Output: class-slots/component.vue.d.ts 1` mismatched - Expected + Received - "import { VNode } from 'vue'; - declare const _default: new () => { - $slots: { - default(_: { - num: number; - }): VNode[]; - foo(_: { - str: string; - }): VNode[]; - }; - }; - export default _default; - " + undefined ❯ packages/tsc/tests/dts.spec.ts:75:66
build (16, ubuntu-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
build (16, windows-latest)
The job was canceled because "_16_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (16, windows-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (16, macos-latest)
The job was canceled because "_16_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (16, macos-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (16, ubuntu-latest)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: pnpm/action-setup@v2. For more information see: