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Galvanize Memory

You're making an API that can list, create, read, update, and delete a collection of New Year's resolutions. The problem is that you're missing a critical part of the API-- the database! Create a database for this API, and interface with it via Knex.js.


Make a local database and setup a knexfile to connect to it.


Make a migration that creates the following database table:


key name data type
PK id auto-incrementing integer
dueDate date
resolution text


Seed your database with some data:

field value
id 1
dueDate "1997-02-01"
resolution "Go skiing"
field value
id 2
dueDate "1997-05-01"
resolution "Do stand-up"
field value
id 3
dueDate "1997-09-01"
resolution "Start knitting"

Make sure your next auto-incrementing integer starts with 4!

Database connection

Make a connection to your database in the database-connection.js file with the appropriate environment data.


Fill out the queries.js file with the following:

  • list() should return a promise that resolves with all of the data in the resolution table as an array
  • read(id) should return a promise that resolves with the record with a matching id as an object
  • create(resolution) should return a promise that inserts a resolution object and resolves to the created database record as an object
  • update(id, resolution) should return a promise that updates a resolution record matching id with the data in resolution and resolves to the updated database record as an object
  • delete(id) should return a promise that removes the record matching id and resolves to nothing


Deploy this API. Note that you'll need to create a remote database, run your migration and seeds on it, and connect to it in production and your local database in development.


  • You can test your API locally with npm test

Add a link to your here.

Databases and Postgres

Setting up a real fuckin db:

One time only: brew update brew install postgresql psql —version brew services list as needed: brew services stop postgresql brew services start postgresql brew services restart postgresql

For each project: Make a db: (from anywhere I think) createdb (name) (psql --help)

(start in a new folder not in another git repository) (from project folder) Initialize npm and install dependencies: npm init --yes npm install --save knex pg npm install knex -g (maybe not needed) npm install body-parser —save npm install dotenv —save touch .env npm install express —save

Initialize as git repository and set remote: git init git remote add (remote name) (url)

Fire up knex, migrate: knex init edit your new knexfile.js knex migrate:make (table name) update migrations file with appropriate export up and export down knex migrate:latest psql (dbname) \d+ (table name) (to see your schema)

if needed (knex migrate:rollback)

Knex seed: knex seed:make data01 go edit the seed file knee seed:run psql (dbname) SELECT * FROM (table name);

Deploy: nodemon or npm start (go look to see if it works at localhost:3000/(table name)) heroku create go to Heroku and your new db > configure-add-ons > search postgres > big purple button > show config vars > copy the postgres url and put it in your .env file

git add . git commit -m “initial commit” git push heroku master

knex migrate:latest --env production knex seed:run --env production