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The libft project takes up the concept of the D06 of the swimming pool

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The libft project takes up the concept of the D06 of the swimming pool, to make you write a library of useful functions that you can then use in the vast majority of your C projects this year and save you a lot of time.

This project ask you to write a lot of code that you have already done during the pool, which makes it a great time to take stock of your progress.

ft_printf compilation

make FT_PRINTF=true

debug compilation

make DEBUG=true


Char function

name man
ft_charcatindex Put a char into a buffer in an index and put a \0.
ft_isalnum Check for any character for which ft_isalpha or ft_isdigit is true.
ft_isalpha Check for any character for which ft_isupper or ft_islower is true.
ft_isascii Check for an ASCII character.
ft_isblank Check for a space or tab character.
ft_iscntrl Check for any control character.
ft_isdigit Check for a decimal digit character.
ft_isgraph Check for any printing character except space
ft_islower Check for any lower-case letters.
ft_isprint Check for any printing character, including space.
ft_isspace Check for the white-space characters.
ft_isupper Check tests for any upper-case letter.
ft_isxdigit Check tests for any hexadecimal-digit character.
ft_tolower Converts an upper-case letter to the corresponding lowercase letter.
ft_toupper Converts a lower-case letter to the corresponding uppercase letter.

Conversion functions

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ft_llonglen_base Function calculate the length of a long long with a base.
ft_ullonglen_base Function calculate the length of a unsigned long long with a base.
ft_atos Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to a short representation.
ft_atos_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to a short representation.
ft_stoa Function converts a short into a allocate string.
ft_stoa_base Function converts a short with a base into a allocate string.
ft_stoa_base_no_malloc Function converts a short with a base into buffer.
ft_stoa_no_malloc Function converts a short with into buffer.
ft_atous Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to unsigned short representation.
ft_atous_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to unsigned short representation.
ft_ustoa Function converts an unsigned short into a allocate string.
ft_ustoa_base Function converts an unsigned short with a base into a allocate string.
ft_ustoa_base_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned short with a base into buffer.
ft_ustoa_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned short with into buffer.
ft_atoi Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to an int representation.
ft_atoi_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to an int representation.
ft_itoa Function converts an int into a allocate string.
ft_itoa_base Function converts an int with a base into a allocate string.
ft_itoa_base_no_malloc Function converts an int with a base into buffer.
ft_itoa_no_malloc Function converts an int with into buffer.
ft_atou Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to an unsigned int representation.
ft_atou_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to an unsigned int representation.
ft_utoa Function converts an unsigned int into a allocate string.
ft_utoa_base Function converts an unsigned int with a base into a allocate string.
ft_utoa_base_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned int with a base into buffer.
ft_utoa_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned int with into buffer.
ft_atol Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to a long representation.
ft_atol_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to a long representation.
ft_ltoa Function converts a long into a allocate string.
ft_ltoa_base Function converts a long with a base into a allocate string.
ft_ltoa_base_no_malloc Function converts a long with a base into buffer.
ft_ltoa_no_malloc Function converts a long with into buffer.
ft_atoul Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to an unsigned long representation.
ft_atoul_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to an unsigned long representation.
ft_ultoa Function converts an unsigned long into a allocate string.
ft_ultoa_base Function converts an unsigned long with a base into a allocate string.
ft_ultoa_base_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned long with a base into buffer.
ft_ultoa_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned long with into buffer.
ft_atoll Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to a long long representation.
ft_atoll_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to a long long representation.
ft_lltoa Function converts a long long into a allocate string.
ft_lltoa_base Function converts a long long with a base into a allocate string.
ft_lltoa_base_no_malloc Function converts a long long with a base into buffer.
ft_lltoa_no_malloc Function converts a long long with into buffer.
ft_atoull Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to an unsigned long long representation.
ft_atoull_base Function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str with a base to an unsigned long long representation.
ft_ulltoa Function converts an unsigned long long into a allocate string.
ft_ulltoa_base Function converts an unsigned long long with a base into a allocate string.
ft_ulltoa_base_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned long long with a base into buffer.
ft_ulltoa_no_malloc Function converts an unsigned long long with into buffer.


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ft_asprintf Function set *ret to be a pointer to a buffer sufficiently large to hold the formatted string.
ft_dprintf Write output to the given file descriptor.
ft_fprintf Write output to the given output stream.
ft_printf Function write output to stdout.
ft_snprintf Function will write at most size - 1 of the characters printed into the output string.
ft_sprintf Function effectively assume a size of INT_MAX + 1.

Memory function

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ft_bzero Writes n zeroed bytes to the string s. If n is zero, ft_bzero does nothing.
ft_calloc Contiguously allocates enough space for count objects that are size bytes of memory each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The allocated memory is filled with bytes of value zero.
ft_memalloc Allocated memory and filled with bytes of value zero.
ft_memccpy Copies bytes from string src to string dst.
ft_memchr Locates the first occurrence of c (converted to an unsigned char) in string s.
ft_memcmp Compares byte string s1 against byte string s2. Both strings are assumed to be n bytes long.
ft_memcpy Copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dst. If dst and src overlap, behavior is undefined.
ft_memdel Free a memory zone.
ft_memmem Locates the first occurrence of the byte string little in the byte string big.
ft_memmove Copies len bytes from string src to string dst. The two strings may overlap; the copy is always done in a non-destructive manner.
ft_memrchr Locates the first occurrence of c (converted to an unsigned char) in string s starting at the end.
ft_memset Writes len bytes of value c (converted to an unsigned char) to the string b.

Print Function

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ft_putchar Write a char.
ft_putchar_fd Write a char to a file descriptor.
ft_putendl Write a string with a newline.
ft_putendl_fd Write a string with a newline to a file descriptor.
ft_putnbr Write a int.
ft_putnbr_fd Write a int to a file descriptor.
ft_puts Write a string with a newline and return an EOF.
ft_putstr Write a string.
ft_putstr_fd Write a string to a file descriptor.

String function

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ft_split Split a strings with the char c delimiter to a tab was allocate.
ft_str_is_alpha Check if any character are alphanumeric.
ft_str_is_lowercase Check if any character are lowercase.
ft_str_is_numeric Check if any character are numeric.
ft_str_is_printable Check if any character are printable.
ft_str_is_uppercase Check if any character are uppercase.
ft_strcasecmp Function lexicographically compare the null-terminated strings s1 and s2 with no case sensitive.
ft_strcasestr Function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string needle in the null-terminated string haystack with no case sensitive.
ft_strcat Function append a copy. of the null-terminated string s2 to the end of the null-terminated string s1, then add a terminating \0.
ft_strchr Function locates the first occurrence of c in string s.
ft_strclr Cleans by putting \0.
ft_strcmp Function lexicographically compare the null-terminated strings s1 and s2.
ft_strcpy Function copy the string src to dst.
ft_strdel Take a ptr in param to free and put NULL.
ft_strdup Function allocates sufficient memory for a copy of the string s1, does the copy, and returns a pointer to it.
ft_strequ Function lexicographically compare the null-terminated strings s1 and s2.
ft_striter Applies the function f to each character of the character string passed in parameter.
ft_striteri Applies the function f to each character in the character string passed as a parameter, specifying its index as the first argument.
ft_strjoin Allocate a new string of size s1 + s2 After that s1 was copy to the new allocate, and s2 was concatenate.
ft_strjoinfree Allocate a new string of size s1 + s2 After that s1 was copy to the new allocate, and s2 was concatenate. And free s1 or s2 or both with param tofree
ft_strlcat Concatenate strings with the same input parameters and output result as ft_snprintf.
ft_strlcpy Function copy strings with the same input parameters and output result as ft_snprintf.
ft_strlen Function computes the length of the string s.
ft_strlen_c Function computes the length of the string s until char c.
ft_strlowcase Put uppercase to lowercase on place.
ft_strmap Apply the function f to each character in the character string passed as a parameter to create a new “fresh” string resulting from the successive applications of f.
ft_strmapi Apply the function f to each character of the character string passed in parameter by specifying its index to create a new “fresh” string resulting from the successive applications of f.
ft_strncasecmp Function lexicographically compare the null-terminated strings s1 and s2 with no case sensitive.
ft_strncat Function append a copy of the null-terminated string s2 to the end of the null-terminated str s1, then add a terminating \0.
ft_strncatindex Function start to index in paramater and append a copy of the null-terminated string s2 to the end of the null-terminated str s1, then add a terminating \0.
ft_strncmp Function compares not more than n characters.
ft_strncpy Function copy at most len characters from src into dst.
ft_strndup Function copies at most n characters from the string s1 always NULL terminating the copied string.
ft_strnequ Function lexicographically compare the null-terminated strings s1 and s2 of size n.
ft_strnew Allocate a new string of size size.
ft_strnlen Function attempts to compute the length of s, but never scans beyond the first maxlen bytes of s.
ft_strnstr Function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string needle in the null-terminated string haystack with length len.
ft_strpbrk Function locates in the null-terminated string s the first occurrence of any character in the string charset and returns a pointer to this character. If no characters from charset occur anywhere in s ft_strpbrk returns NULL.
ft_strrchr Function locates the first occurrence of c (converted to an unsigned char) in string s.
ft_strstr Function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string needle in the null-terminated string haystack.
ft_strsub Allocate a new string of size n. After that s1 was copy to the new allocate at start 'start', and copy n char.
ft_strtrim Remove whitespaces (\n, \t, ) at start and and end of string s1.
ft_strupcase Function converts a lower-case letter to the corresponding upper-case letter.
ft_substr Allocate a new string of size n. After that s1 was copy to the new allocate at start 'start', and copy n char.

Tab function

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ft_tabdup Function allocates sufficient memory for a copy of the tab s1, does the copy, and returns a pointer to it.
ft_tablen Function computes the length of the tab s.
ft_tabndup Function allocates size n memory for a copy of the tab s1, does the copy, and returns a pointer to it.
ft_tabnew Function allocate a new tab of size size.
ft_tabtostr Transform an array into a string with a space in separation.
ft_tabtostr_c Transform an array into a string with a char c in separation.


The libft project takes up the concept of the D06 of the swimming pool







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