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Node.js Express MVC boilerplate with ESM support.


This project starter should be working as expected with the following minimal version of Node/NPM, respectively:

Dependency Version
Node >= v14.15.1
NPM >= v6.14.8

Quick Start

  1. Clone the git repository into your new project folder and install required dependencies by running the command below:
# cloning git repository into `my-project` folder
git clone --depth=1 my-project

# install project dependencies
cd my-project && npm install
  1. Running application by executing one of the following scripts:


npm run dev


Copy .env.development to ./config folder as .env for production usage:

cp config/.env.development config/.env

Change environment variables in .env to serve your app. Avoid using the same port for both development and production.

# build for production ready and start server
npm run build && npm start

To run tests:


npm test


  • dotenv and dotenv-expand packages are used in conjunction with webpack.DefinePlugin plugin for managing environment variables. The entire logic can be found in ./env.loader.js file. The .env is environment sepecific and is loaded based on the defined process.env.NODE_ENV value:
File name NODE_ENV In Source Control
.env.test test Yes
.env.development development Yes
.env production No (Need to add new)

Project Structure

├── app
| ├── controllers                       # contains controller files
| ├── index.js                          # app entry file
| ├── middleware                        # contains express middleware files
| ├── models                            # contains models
| ├── routers                           # contains routers with mounted controller methods
| └── server.js                         # express server
├── assets
| ├── jest                              # contains jest testing framework assets
| ├── scripts                           # contains frontend script files
| ├── styles                            # contains frontend style files
| └── views                             # contains eta template files (layouts, pages partials)
├── babel.config.cjs                    # babel configuration file
├── config                              # contains environment variables
├── env.loader.js                       # environment variables loader
├── index.js                            # main entry file for bootstrapping
├── jest.config.cjs                     # jest configuration file
├── postcss.config.cjs                  # postcss configuration file
├── prettier.config.cjs                 # prettier configuration file
├── public                              # contains public assets and built files
| ├── build                             # contains built script and style files
| └── favicon.ico                       # favicon file
├── storage                             # contains logs and/or other resources
| └── logs
├── stylelint.config.cjs                # stylelint configuration file
├── tests                               # contains tests
├── utils                               # contains util files
| ├── env.js                            # util for environment related
| ├── index.js                          # re-exported utils
| ├── logger.js                         # app logger
| └── paths.js                          # pre-defined project paths
└── webpack.config.js                   # webpack configuration file




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