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Go and Python solutions for Leetcode. (😁Updating)


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
1. Two Sum Go Easy O(N) O(N)
11. Contaniner with most water Go Medium O(N) O(1) Two pointers (move small)
15. 3 Sum Go Medium O(N^2) O(N)
16. 3 Sum Closest Go Medium O(N^2) O(1)
33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array Go Medium O(lg(N)) O(1) Binary compare lo
39. Combination Sum Go Medium O(2^N) O(N)
40. Combination Sum II Go Medium O(2^N) O(N)
53. Maximum Subarray Go Medium O(N) O(1) DP or Divide
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Go Hard O(N) O(N) 🌹 Monotonous stack
122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Go Easy O(N) O(1)
136. Single number Go Easy O(N) O(1) 🌹 Bit manipulation
283. Move zeros Go Easy O(N) O(1)
311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication Go Medium O(N*M) O(N*M)
525. Contiguous Array Go Medium O(N) O(N) diff = 0


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
49. Group Anagrams Go Medium O(Nk) O(Nk) sort/count
67. Add Binary Go Easy O(Max(N) O(Max(N))
273. Integer to English Words Python Hard O(len(digits)) O(1) Devide and Conquer
438. Find All Anagrams in a String Go Medium O(N) 26 O(M)
844. Backspace String Compare Go Medium O(N) O(1) pointer(end -> start)
953. Verifying an Alien Dictionary Python Easy O(K*N) O(1)


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
60. Permutation Sequence Python Medium O(N^2) O(N) right to left, (n-1)!
31. Next Permutation Go Medium O(N) O(1)


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
301. Remove Invalid Parentheses Go Hard O(N * 2^N) O(2^N) bt, memo, pruning
678. Valid Parenthesis String Go Medium O(N) O(1) 🌹
1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Go Medium O(N) O(N) check open and close


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
95. Unique Binary Search Trees II Go Medium O(N * Gn) O(N*Gn) (lo, hi), DFS, Memo
96. Unique Binary Search Trees Go Medium O(N^2) O(N) Catalan number
124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Go Hard O(N)) O(h)
199. Binary Tree Right Side View Go Python Medium O(N)) O(h) BFS/DFS
222. Count Complete Tree Nodes Python Medium O(d^2)) O(1) 🌹 bs + bs
543. Diameter of Binary Tree Go Easy O(N) O(N)
1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Go Medium O(N) O(N)

Dynamic Programing

Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
64. Minimum Path Sum Go Medium O(MN) O(1) see 174
174. Dungeon Game Go Hard O(MN) O(1) 🌹 bottom-right to top-left
887. Super Egg Drop Go Hard O(N^1/2) O(KM) 🌹


Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark

Linked List

Title Solution Difficulty Time Space Like Mark
202. Happy Number Go Easy O(log(N)) O(1) 🌹 Hare and tortoise
206. Reverse Linked List Go Easy O(N) O(1)
30-day First Unique Number Go solution Easy O(1) O(1) Double-Linked-List


1. Bit manipulation

(1). MIN and MAX
//Int32Max Max int 0111 1111 1111 11..
const Int32Max int = int(^uint(0) >> 1)

//Int32Min Min int 1000 0000 0000 00..
const Int32Min int = ^Int32Max
(2). Add Binary
//a = 1111
//b = 0010
//Sum without carry: a ^ b = 1101
//Carry a & b = 0010 --> (a & b) << 1 = 0100
//Loop until carry become 0
//cannot handle the situation that the number of bits is over 64...
func addBinary2(a string, b string) string {
	binA, _ := strconv.ParseInt(a, 2, 64)
	binB, _ := strconv.ParseInt(b, 2, 64)
	var answer int64
	var carry int64
	for binB != 0 {
		answer = binA ^ binB        //The sum results without carray
		carry = (binA & binB) << 1  //The carry
		binA, binB = answer, carry
	return strconv.FormatInt(binA, 2)

(3). Single Number
//Only one is single and others appear twice.
func SingleNumber(nums []int) int {
	// Bit Mapulation
	// a ^ 0 = a
    // a ^ a = 0
    // a ^ b ^ b = a ^ 0 = a
    var res int
    for _, num := range nums {
        res ^= num
	return res

2. Go Fundamental


var s1 []int            // == nil 
s2 := *new([]int)       // == nil

var s3 = []int{}        // empty slice != nil
var s4 = make([]int, 0) // empty slice != nil
//All can use s1 = append(s1, a)
res = append(res, s)
*res = append(*res, s)

*res = append(*res, s) means that a pointer points to this slice, and the slice is a struct which has three fileds: cap, len, array. When append function is used, the base array address may be changed because a new array with big capacity is allocated. Therefore, when we pass a slice into a function as a result set, try to pass the pointer of the slice instead of the slice struct itself.


This variable m is a map of string keys to int values:

var m map[string]int

Map types are reference types, like pointers or slices, and so the value of m above is nil; it doesn't point to an initialized map. A nil map behaves like an empty map when reading, but attempts to write to a nil map will cause a runtime panic; don't do that. To initialize a map, use the built in make function:

m = make(map[string]int)

The same syntax may be used to initialize an empty map, which is functionally identical to using the make function:

m = map[string]int{}

No set in Go, so a map can be used. map[T]struct{} is better than map[T]bool because struct{} doesn't occupy memory:

set := make(map[int]struct{})
set[v] = struct{}{}s

How to compare two maps?

if reflect.DeepEqual(slide, memo) {
			res = append(res, i-len(p)+1)


package main

import (

var p = fmt.Println

func main() {

    p("Contains:  ", strings.Contains("test", "es"))          //true
    p("Count:     ", strings.Count("test", "t"))              //2
    p("HasPrefix: ", strings.HasPrefix("test", "te"))         //true
    p("HasSuffix: ", strings.HasSuffix("test", "st"))         //true
    p("Index:     ", strings.Index("test", "e"))              //1
    p("Join:      ", strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))   //a-b
    p("Repeat:    ", strings.Repeat("a", 5))                  //aaaaa
    p("Replace:   ", strings.Replace("foooo", "o", "0", -1))  //f0000
    p("Replace:   ", strings.Replace("foooo", "o", "0", 1))   //f0ooo
    p("Split:     ", strings.Split("a-b-c-d", "-"))           //["a","b","c","d"]
    p("ToLower:   ", strings.ToLower("TEST"))
    p("ToUpper:   ", strings.ToUpper("test"))

    p("Len: ", len("hello"))              //5
    p("Char:", "hello"[1])                //e

    str := []rune("abcd")                //[a, b, c, d]
    str2 := []rune("你好")                //[你,好]
    p(len("你好"))                        //6
    p(len(str2))                         //2