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Releases: brandongregoryscott/kazoo


06 Oct 12:59
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v1.0.0 Release

Release notes

Revving to v1 after a few months of use and fleshing out a pretty rich feature set. Includes a nice workflow update for the 'Replace translations from file' command. Updated demo recordings coming soon.

Known issues

#27 Offer to move keys updated by 'Replace translations from file' command


10 Sep 17:21
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v0.5.0 Release

Release notes

Small feature release to iron out the 'moving' logic when replacing a translation for a specific key. Previously, you could only move copy from another object literal to the resources object, whereas now you are able to move it in the other direction, too.

Known issues

#21 Offer to move updated copy from 'resources' object to another ObjectLiteralExpression




03 Sep 17:23
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v0.4.0 Release

Release notes

Utility command to generate the intersection of untranslated keys w/ the English copy of those keys. Creates a CSV file that can be saved and sent to a professional translator.

Known issues

#22 Find intersection of untranslated copy compared to English copy




24 Aug 13:21
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v0.3.0 Release

Release notes

Includes ability to remove & replace copy/keys

Notable features:

  • Remove a specific key from your culture interface
  • Remove translations by key from all culture file(s)
  • Replace a translation by key, with the ability to "move" the copy to the inline resources object if it existed in a separate object prior (i.e., if it was professionally translated and now isn't)

Known issues

#2 Ability to replace copy for a specific key
#8 Add flexibility for object/initializer that is used for adding/updating copy in culture file




05 Jul 14:41
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v0.2.3 Release

Release notes

Maintenance release - fixes a bug where non-property-assignments (such as a spread assignment) in the resources object would throw off index calculation, as well as some integration test coverage

Known issues

#15 Inserting translation into culture file w/ spread object inserts at wrong index (Loose Alphabetical setting)




22 Jun 11:42
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v0.2.2 Release

Release notes

Maintenance release to update the log filename

Known issues

#13 Update logPath filename to more conventional kazoo.log




18 Jun 11:56
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v0.2.1 Release

Release notes

Maintenance release to fix a regression starting at v0.1.3, which caused the 'Add key and translation' command to stop after adding the key. This bug stemmed from changing the, WindowUtils.error calls to use await which were throwing cancellation errors.

Notable features:

  • The generic catch error toast will provide a button to view the log for more information
  • Added an informational toast after translations are added (similar to the success toast when a key is added to the interface)

Known issues

#11 Bug: Add key to interface and translation to culture files stops after key




14 Jun 23:02
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v0.2.0 Release

Release notes

Updates to the 'Replace translations from JSON file' to support Excel formats as well (.xslx). Slightly updated UI (uses selection menu for matching files vs. input box with path/pattern)

Known issues

#7 Replace copy from Excel file




09 Jun 22:19
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v0.1.3 Release

Release notes

Maintenance release to improve error handling around each command and add logging events

Known issues

#5 Improve error handling for 'Replace from JSON' command
#9 Bump normalize-url from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1




03 Jun 12:01
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v0.1.2 Release

Release notes

Added a banner to the README as well as an icon for the published VS Code package. Designed by Laura Supnik