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Welcome to dsdb

Dsdb is a Buildnn open source project.

Tired of having to manage thousands of unstructured .csv outputs for your small Data Science experiments? Would you like to experience a real SQL-like data management of yout datasets with a real database?

Take a look at what you can do with Postgres.

Give a boost to your data management skills with DsDb (Data Science DataBase).


  1. Basic usage of DsDb
  2. Quickstart with docker-compose
  3. Pip Installation
  4. Connection to a custom DB server

Basic usage of DsDb

Push a table from pandas to postgres with Just:

from dsdb import DsDbConnect
import pandas as pd

# Load some data or take a DataFrame you analyzed
df = pd.read_csv('my-ugly-file.csv')

with DsDbConnect() as con:
    df.to_sql_table('table', con=con, if_exist='append')

and... that's it. To load data from the db:

with DsDbConnect() as con:
    df_read = pd.read_sql_table('test', con)

Quickstart using docker-compose

The following workflow launches a dockerized jupyter server with an underlying db. Firs, retrieve our pre-made docker-compose.yml file:

cd my-project-dir
touch .env

Open the .env file and place the following text, filling the {text under curly brackets} as suggested:

content of the .env file -->

DSDB_PASSWORD={your password}

POSTGRES_PASSWORD={your db password}

PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD={another different password}

And then start the game

docker-compose up

And... that should be it.


  • https://localhost:8888 to see jupyter
  • https://localhost:5050 to visit the pgadmin panel (use the credentials in .env)

Pip Installation

To pip-install this repo:

pip install dsdb

Connection to a custom DB server

dsdb.DsDbConnect uses a DsDb object to connect to your db. It loads some environment variables and uses them to perform the connection. these are

  • DSDB_USER: your username in the DB
  • DSDB_PASSWORD: your password to access the DB
  • DSDB_DB: The name of the DB
  • DSDB_HOST: The address of the DB server
  • DSDB_DRIVER: The driver. E.g. 'postgres+psycopg2' for a standard postgres.

The following is a quick way to create them directly inside yout python script:

import os

os.environ['DSDB_USER'] = 'myuser'
# prompt a password input (never write pass explicitly!)
os.environ['DSDB_PASSWORD'] = input('password:')
os.environ['DSDB_DB'] = 'mydb'
os.environ['DSDB_HOST'] = 'localhost:5432'  # server address
os.environ['DSDB_DRIVER'] = 'postgres+psycopg2'


another option is to create a custom dsdb.DsDb object to pass to dsdb.DsDbConnect:

import dsdb

db = dsdb._utils_dsdb.DsDb(
    host='localhost:5432',   # server address
with dsdb.DsDbConnect(db=db) as con:
    df.to_sql_table('table', con=con)