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Releases: burtcorp/jmespath-java


26 Oct 09:35
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This release adds an adapter for Jackson jr thanks to @jeromevdl, see #78 and a fix for negations by @mntnorv, see #70

It also updates the minimum required version of Java to 8, see #79


04 Dec 12:00
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This release contains a fix for boolean expressions starting with negations, see #66. Thank you @ciobis for this fix.


26 Oct 09:32
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This release includes a runtime for Jakarta JSON-P, contributed by @paulogaspar7, see #56


26 Aug 13:40
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This release contains performance improvements contributed by @slandelle (see #43, #44, #46, #47, #48, and #50/#52), and a new Vert.x runtime, contibuted by @ke4roh (see #55).


07 Jun 11:47
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New contributor @slandelle has been cleaning up code and making performance improvements, see #43, #44, #46, #47, #48, and #50/#52.

Build 2 of this snapshot also contains a new runtime for Vert.x, created by @ke4roh, see #55.


04 Jun 08:20
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This release contains Gson support (see #32, this was released in 0.2.1, but should have been in this version), improvements to how function calls are handled, with arity checking at compile tile (see #27), support for variadic functions (see #36), performance improvements (see #44), the possibility to make functions return null instead of throw exceptions on type errors (see #26) and improvements to the Jackson runtime (see #40).

Thanks to all contributors, and sorry for the time it took to get this release to happen.


06 May 17:40
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This is a prerelease of Gson support (see #32, and accidentally also released as jmespath-0.2.1) and improvements to how function calls are handled, arity is checked at compile time, and you can configure the runtime to handle type errors by making the function call return null (see #26), and other changes to the arity checking possibilities (see #36).


06 May 17:36
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This release adds Gson support, thanks to @linehrr and @wryun (see #32).

This was meant to be jmespath-0.3.0, but my Maven-fu failed me. A jmespath-0.3.0 will be released, and is currently available as jmespath-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.


07 Sep 09:27
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This release contains optimizations (see #22), the removal of ANTLR as a dependency (see #25) and a change in the compiler so that we check function arity at compile time (see #27).

The optimizations (see #22) are not huge in themselves, but made it possible to make the in-progress JRuby implementation around five times faster by avoiding string allocations. Adapter#getProperty(T,String) has also been deprecated as a consequence, and will be removed in version 0.3.0.

The big thing in this release is that we no longer depend on the ANTLR runtime artifact. We still use ANTLR, but we move the runtime into a private package and bundle it in the jmespath-core artifact. This means that you don't have to worry about ANTLR version conflicts when adding jmespath-java as a dependency to a large project.

Finally we've made the compiler check function arity at compile time. We believe that errors should be caught as early as possible. In the future we might add more compile time checks to avoid basic argument type errors too, and we will perhaps even make runtime errors optional (see #23).


24 Aug 16:13
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Our first public release! This version is 100% compliant with JMESPath.