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As we all now use git, containers and all that stuff, this project is no longer maintained.


Projektbauer (a german play on words which could be translated to "project builder" or to "poject farmer") is a ruby gem which supports the setup of an SVN/Trac environment in an apache enviroment.

To use it one creates a configuration file which is actually a ruby script and executes the same. The following approach applies

  • top level project folder all projects are kept under one particular folder for a project collection Usually on one host, there is exactly one project collection.

  • virtual host acting as project set: Within the project collection, multiple project sets can be installed. One project set corelates to an apache virtual host (e.g myprojects.mydomin.xx). Projektbauer creates an apache configuration file for this virtual domain.

    Projektbauer supports virtual host by

    • creating a folder for the virtual host
    • creating an apache configuration for that virtual host (virtual_host.httpd.conf)
    • maintains a configuration file (include_locations.httpd.conf) which is be included in the aforehead mentioned file. This file includes the project configurations.

    Note that some providers (e.g. do not support creation of virtual hosts this way. In this case, you can simply ignore the generated virtual host. But you need to include the project list in the existing virtual host.

  • project a project is associated with a virtual host such that it can be accessed by

    • https://myprojects.mydomin.xx/myproject/svn
    • https://myprojects.mydomin.xx/myproject/trac

    Projektbauer generates the configuration of the the project, namely:

    • svn repository
    • htdigest user file
    • svn_authz file


As of now Projektbauer is not released at Therefore you need to install it on your server by

$ git clone

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'projektbauer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install projektbauer


In order to use Projektbauer you need to create a configuration file which is in fact a ruby program.

require './lib/projektbauer.rb'
p.project_name = "{name of the project}"
p.project_users = {
  admin: ["admin.first", "admin.second"],
  observer: ["observer.first", "observer.second"],
  contributor: ["contributor.first", "contributor.second"]
p.virtual_host  = "{server internal folder name of the virtual host,}"
p.project_realm   = "{realm for authorization, no spaces, no colons!}"
p.server_root = "{path to top level project folder on the server}"
p.virtual_host_ip = "{url of virtual host without port}"
p.server_name = "{domain of the virtual host}"
p.server_admin = "{email adress}"
p.server_port_nossl = 8080
p.server_port_ssl = 443

# this is required for the trac configuration

p.smtp_default_domain = ""              # Default dopmain for smtp
p.smtp_enabled = true                             # allow trac to send smtp
p.smtp_from = ""           # sender adress
p.smtp_from_author = false                        # not supported defaults to false
p.smtp_from_name = "Projekt bauer at foo bar de"  # name of sender adress
p.smtp_user = "sample.user.smtp"                  # username for smtp
p.smtp_password = "sample.password.smtp"          # password for smtp
p.smtp_port = 25                                  # port for smtp 
p.smtp_replyto = "projetkbauer.trac.replyto@#{@p.server_name}" # reply-to adress
p.smtp_server = @p.server_name                    # smtp-server
p.smtp_subject_prefix = "__default__"             # prefix for subject = __default__


For more details refer to the yard documentation included.

Note that you can run it repeatedly. Thereby

  • new users are created
  • old users are removed

you can see this in the project folder, in file {project_realm}.htdigest.txt


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


A ruby gem which creates an SVN/Trac setup in apache







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