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Activity Tracking and Live Location Sharing

Open Source Love License: MIT Slack Status

This open source repo uses HyperTrack for Live Location Sharing and Activity Tracking. Hypertrack Live helps you share your Live Location with friends through your favorite messaging app when on the way to meet up. You can also see your activities organized as chronological cards so that tapping on each card gives you the locations of the activity.

Usecase Description Tutorial
Activity Tracking Track your activities chronologicaly through the day. Description Build yourself 👩‍💻
Live Location Sharing Share your Live Location with friends and see theirs. Description Build yourself 👩‍💻

Activity Tracking

One of the two core features of Hypertrack Live is Placeline. Placeline is useful in tracking your daily activity with near-zero battery impact. We automagically use the combination of device sensors - GPS, WiFi, network, accelerometer, pedometer, gyroscope, compass - to deliver accuracy. Placeline is powered by the HyperTrack SDK which collects location and activity data for your users. It includes segments like stop 🛑, walk 🚶‍♀️,run 🏃‍♀️,drive 🏎️ and cycling 🚴.


Live Location Sharing

The other core feature of Hypertrack Live is Live Location Sharing. Live Location Sharing is useful for consumer apps like messengers and social apps where two or more people want to share their Live Location with each other when on the way to meet up. It is also useful for marketplace aggregators where the transaction starts online 💻📱 but requires people to meet offline for fulfillment. It helps you solve the consumer's anxiety of “where are you⁉️”.

Live Location Sharing


To use this app

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd hypertrack-live-ios/htlive-ios

# Install dependencies
$ pod install

Get your HyperTrack API keys here, and add the publishable key to setUpHypertrack function in HyperTrackAppService.swift file.


Build Activity Tracking in your app

Placeline format

Placeline object contains detailed information about the activity like the start time, end time, location, steps and more. An example JSON representation is given here.

Setup HyperTrack SDK

Set up the HyperTrack SDK by following these instructions.

Create HyperTrack user

The next thing that you need to do is create a HyperTrack User. This would tag the location/activity data to the user and help you get useful filtered data in the form of Placeline. More details about the function here.

HyperTrack.createUser(userName) { (user, error) in
    if (error != nil) {
     // Handle error on get or create user
     print("recieved error while creating user. error : " + (error?.errorMessage)!)
     if (user != nil) {
     // User successfully created
     print("User created:", user!.id ?? "")

Start tracking

Start tracking for the created user by calling the following method


Get Placeline in your app

Once tracking has started, implement the following function and you are all set to use the rich activity data in your app.

HyperTrack.getPlaceline { (placeLine, error) in
    guard let fetchedPlaceLine = placeLine else { return }
        if let segments = fetchedPlaceLine.segments {
                // process the segment here 

We hope that you got a good taste of Placeline. If you have any problems or suggestions for the tutorial, do not hesitate to buzz 🐝 us here.

Build Live Location Sharing in your app

Use the following tutorial to build Live Location Sharing in your app. This is divided into three section.

  1. In the first section, we will do a basic setup of Hypertrack SDK.
  2. In the second section, we will select a destination and start a Live Location trip to that place.
  3. In the last section, we will get your friend to join the trip started by you.

Let's get started 😊 . Strap yourself in and get ready for an exciting ride 🚀 .

Basic Setup

Step 1. Get API keys

Get your HyperTrack API keys here.

Step 2. Use starter project

We have created a starter project so that building Live Location Sharing becomes very easy and quick. It will prevent you from the hassle of creating a new project and the workflow to enable Live Location Sharing. If you want to directly build the flow in your own app or wanted to create a new project, you can ignore this step.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the starter folder in the repository
$ cd hypertrack-live-ios/starter/

# Install dependencies
$ pod install

Open LiveLocationSharingStarter.xcworkspace.

Step 3. Setup HyperTrack SDK

If you are NOT using the starter project, set up the HyperTrack SDK by following these instructions. Else, initialize the SDK by putting the following code in AppDelegate.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    return true

Step 4. Create HyperTrack user

The next thing that you need to do is to create a HyperTrack user. It helps us tag the location/activity data with the user and share their Live Location status with friends. More details about the function here(

When the user is created, we need to start tracking his location and activity. Call the following method to do so HyperTrack.startTracking()

For starter project, go to UserProfileViewController.swift. When the user taps login, get the name of the user and use the following function to create a user.

HyperTrack.createUser(userName!) { (user, error) in
      if (error != nil) {
       // Handle error on get or create user
           print("recieved error while creating user. error : " + (error?.errorMessage)!)
      if (user != nil) {
        // User successfully created
         print("User created:", user!.id ?? "")
         self.showAlert(title:"Step 4  completed", message: "Yay Hypertrack User is Created",buttonTitle: "OK, What's Next ?" ){(action) in
         self.dismiss(animated:true, completion: nil)

Create User

Start a Live Location trip

Are you ready to rock and roll?

Step 1. Show Live Location view

Now to start a Live Location trip, the first thing that you need to do is to add a destination. For this, we will need a location picker. The good news is that HyperTrack Location View has a location picker within it. Once the user selects a location with the help of our inbuilt location picker, than the sdk gives a callback to the app with the selected location so that the app can start a trip.

For starter project, go to ShareLiveLocationVC.swift. Embed the Live Location view in your ViewController view. This should be done in - override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool).

// get an instance of hypertrack's map view (it's a location picker + map view)
hyperTrackMap =
// enable Live Location Sharing
hyperTrackMap?.enableLiveLocationSharingView = true
hyperTrackMap?.showConfirmLocationButton = true
// gives callbacks when a user interacts with the map, like when he selects a location or press a refocus button
hyperTrackMap?.setHTViewInteractionDelegate(interactionDelegate: self)
if (self.hypertrackView != nil) {

Also, create an extension to handle interaction delegate callback. An interaction delegate helps you get a callback when the user performs an action on HyperTrack's location view. For example, when he selects a location or taps the refocus button. For starter project, it is already in there so nothing to do for you.

extension ShareLiveLocationVC:HTViewInteractionDelegate {


Implement this function in the above extension. You will get a callback when a user selects a location.

// HTViewInteractionDelegate callback when user selects a location
func didSelectLocation(place : HyperTrackPlace?){

Select Location

Step 2. Create and track action

When the user selects a location, you will get a callback in the didSelectLocation function of your HTViewInteractionDelegate extension. This is the right time to start a trip. For starting a trip, you need to create a session. This can be achieved by creating a 'visit' action.
You will need two things to create an action.

  1. expectedPlace - This is the destination for the visit. You have it after you select the destination.
  2. lookupId - A lookpupId is an identifier created by you for the Live Location trip. A lookupId is what needs to be shared with the friend, so they can join your trip and share their location. We chose it to be the UUID. You can use your own internal identifiers.

For starter project, go to ShareLiveLocationVC.swift and add the following code when you get a callback of location selection didSelectLocation.

let htActionParams = HyperTrackActionParams()
htActionParams.expectedPlace = place
htActionParams.type = "visit"
htActionParams.lookupId = UUID().uuidString

HyperTrack.createAndAssignAction(htActionParams, { (action, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("recieved error while creating and assigning action. error : " + (error.errorMessage))
    if let action = action {
        HyperTrack.trackActionFor(lookUpId: action.lookupId!, completionHandler: { (actions, error) in
            if (error != nil) {

Also, implement the following function in the extension(ShareLiveLocationVC:HTViewInteractionDelegate) so the action gets completed when the user taps stop.

// HTViewInteractionDelegate callback when user clicks stop Live Location Sharing, You should mark your action as complete 
// when this is called.
func didTapStopLiveLocationSharing(actionId : String){

Start Trip

Step 3. Share your trip

As described earlier, a lookpupId is an identifier which identifies a Live Location trip. When you want to share your trip, your trip's lookupId needs to be shared.

// HTViewInteractionDelegate callback when user clicks share my trip to others
func didTapShareLiveLocationLink(action : HyperTrackAction){


You can share your lookupId to the other person in different ways.

  1. You can use the UIActivityViewController to share it through messaging apps.
  2. You can use your backend to send the lookupId.

For starter project, let us keep it simple and use UIActivityViewController to do the job for us.

func didTapShareLiveLocationLink(action : HyperTrackAction){
    if let lookupId = action.lookupId {
        let textToShare : Array = [lookupId]
        let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: textToShare, applicationActivities: nil)
        activityViewController.completionWithItemsHandler = { activityType, complete, returnedItems, error in
        self.present(activityViewController, animated: false, completion: nil)

Track or join an ongoing trip

If you have completed the steps in above section, you have a user who has started a Live Location session. Once their friend receives a lookupId (either through your own backend or through a messaging app), she can use it to track the user and optionally join the trip if you add a few lines of code as described in the following steps.

Step 1. Track ongoing trip

To track the user, use the following function. Although the tracking has started in the SDK, visualizing it requires you to embed HyperTrack's map fragment in your tracking view controller.

 HyperTrack.trackActionFor(lookUpId: lookUpId, completionHandler: { (actions, error) in
    if let _ = error {
        print("recieved error while tracking via lookupId. error : " + (error.errorMessage))
    if let actions = actions {
        if actions.count > 0 {
            // embed your map view here

For starter project, you have to enter the lookupId in the text field that you have received from the user who has started the session. Add the following code in the selector of track button onTrackClick in TrackLiveLocationVC.swift.

HyperTrack.trackActionFor(lookUpId: lookUpId!, completionHandler: { (actions, error) in
   if let _ = error {
       print("recieved error while tracking via lookupId. error : " + (error.errorMessage))
   if let actions = actions {
       if actions.count > 0 {
           self.expectedPlace = actions.last?.expectedPlace
           let map =
           map.enableLiveLocationSharingView = true
           map.setHTViewInteractionDelegate(interactionDelegate: self)
           if (self.hypertrackView != nil) {
               self.hyperTrackMap = map

Now to see the result, go to the other device and set up the user. After that click on 'Track a Live Location trip' and paste/enter the lookupId which you recieved from the user.

Track Friend

Step 2. Join ongoing trip

In this step, we will see how the friend can share her Live Location and join the trip. To join the trip, an action with the same lookupId needs to be created. This step is similar to Step 6. But this time it is a lookupId of an existing trip and NOT a new one in Step 6.

For starter project, add this code to shareLocationClicked when the user taps the 'Share Live Location' button. It creates and assign action for your friends Live Location session.

let htActionParams = HyperTrackActionParams()
htActionParams.expectedPlace = expectedPlace
htActionParams.type = "visit"
htActionParams.lookupId = self.lookupIdTextField.text!

HyperTrack.createAndAssignAction(htActionParams, { (action, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("recieved error while create and assign action. error : " + (error.errorMessage))

Multi User Trip

We hope you’ve enjoyed yourself on your epic quest to build a Live Location feature. If you have any problems or suggestions for the tutorial, please do not hestitate to buzz 🐝 us here.


For detailed documentation of the APIs, customizations and what all you can build using HyperTrack, please visit the official docs.


Feel free to clone, use, and contribute back via pull requests. We'd love to see your pull requests - send them in! Please use the issues tracker to raise bug reports and feature requests.

We are excited to see what Live Location feature you build in your app using this project. Do ping us at once you build one, and we would love to feature your app on our blog!


Join our Slack community for instant responses. You can also email us at


HyperTrack Live for iOS - activity tracking and live location sharing







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