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An example project which shows how you can run Instrumentation Tests for Android on Circle CI without a third party service.


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CircleCI Instrumentation Tests for Android

An example configuration which shows how you can run Instrumentation Tests for Android on Circle CI without a third party service.

Getting Started

You need to initialize CircleCI and fastlane in order to use CircleCI Video Recording. You can setup CircleCI by following this documentation and fastlane with this one. MacOS environment is needed in order to run Android instrumentation tests.


Copy .circleci and Fastlane folders from this repository to your project. After this, with every commit you make to Github, a commit workflow which runs test will start on CircleCI.

How It Works

The commit triggers the ui_test job on CircleCI, the job first set up the Android development environment and starts the emulator then runs ui_test lane from Fastlane.

Setting Up Android Environment in CircleCI Config

In order to run tests we need an active Android device emulator and we can set it up from .circleci/config.yml file. We need to execute the following prompts in our CircleCI job which is named ui_test in the example.

Setting Environment Variables

- run:
    name: Setup environment variables
    command: |
      echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/opt/node@8/bin:${HOME}/.yarn/bin:${HOME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/share/android-sdk/tools/bin"' >> $BASH_ENV
      echo 'export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/local/share/android-sdk"' >> $BASH_ENV
      echo 'export ANDROID_SDK_HOME="/usr/local/share/android-sdk"' >> $BASH_ENV
      echo 'export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/usr/local/share/android-sdk"' >> $BASH_ENV
      echo 'export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none' >> $BASH_ENV
      echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home' >> $BASH_ENV

Installing the SDK and the Emulator

- run:
    name: Install Android sdk
    command: |
      HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew tap homebrew/cask
      HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew cask install android-sdk
- run:
    name: Install emulator
    command: (yes | sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-26" "extras;intel;Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager" "build tools;26.0.0" "system-images;android-26;default;x86" "emulator" --verbose) || true

Starting the Emulator and Running Tests

- run: avdmanager create avd -n Nexus_5X_API_26_x86 -k "system-images;android-26;default;x86" -d "Nexus 5X"
      - run: osascript ./fastlane/recording_related/dismiss_warning.scpt # Dismisses the same named computer error
      - run:
          name: Run emulator in background
          command: /usr/local/share/android-sdk/tools/emulator @Nexus_5X_API_26_x86 -skin 1080x2066 -memory 2048 -noaudio
          background: true
- run:
      name: Run Tests
      command: bundle exec fastlane ui_test
      no_output_timeout: 30m

The bundle exec fastlane ui_test command starts the relevant fastlane lane.

Running Tests from Fastlane

desc "Do UI Tests on CircleCI"
lane :ui_test do
    # Run all Tests
    sh('cd .. && ./gradlew app:connectedAndroidTest')
    # Run spesific Tests
    # sh('cd .. && ./gradlew app:connectedAndroidTest -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.package=<INSERT_YOUR_TEST_PACKAGE_HERE(>')

Author / Dogu Deniz Ugur @DoguD


CircleCI Instrumentation Tests for Android is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


An example project which shows how you can run Instrumentation Tests for Android on Circle CI without a third party service.







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