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Demo of running one UI test file on both robolectric and instrumented devices


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Demo app of unified Robolectric/Instrumentation test

New Github repository

A more complete project is in a new repository:

The new repo has a simpler shadow implementation, in kotlin instead of java.

This project provides a basic example of a UI test that can be run both on Robolectric and on an emulator or device.

The app's UI is in compose.

The app's structure is like this:

┌───────────────┐                       ┌───────────────┐                  ┌──────────────┐
│ MainActivity  │                       │ SecondActivity│                  │MainActivity  │
│               │                       │               │                  │              │
│ Label         │                       │ Text input    │                  │Label         │
│ ""            │                       │ "Hello"       │                  │"Hello"       │
│               │                       │               │                  │              │
│               │                       │               │                  │              │
│               │                       │               │                  │              │
│ Button        │      startActivity    │ Button        │     finish       │Button        │
│ "Click me"    ├──────────────────────►│ "Close"       ├─────────────────►│"Click me"    │
│               │       ForResult       │               │                  │              │
│               │                       │               │                  │              │
└───────────────┘                       └───────────────┘                  └──────────────┘

The MainActivity has a label (initially blank) and a button "Click me". When the user clicks on "Click me", MainActivity launches SecondActivity with startActivityForResult().

In SecondActivity, the user can type some text in a text input. When they click the button "Close", SecondActivity sets the result with an Intent containing the contents of the entered text in an intent extra. SecondActivity finishes.

When the control returns to MainActivity, its activity result callback extracts the text from the intent extras, and sets the label with this text.


There is one test SharedUnitTest, in src/sharedTest/java. It uses AndroidComposeTestRule to launch MainActivity and complete the flow described above.

This type of test works by default when run as an instrumented test on an emulator or a device.

On Robolectric however, by default the test would fail: After clicking on the "Click me" button in MainActivity, Robolectric doesn't actually launch SecondActivity. Any interactions in tests with views in SecondActivity would therefore fail.

Solution (workaround) for Robolectric

A basic custom Robolectric Shadow class, ShadowActivity, inside src/test/java, provides an example workaround. It does the following:

  • In startActivityForResult, actually launches the next activity with the ActivityScenario api.
  • In finish() (of the next activity), sends its result back to the calling activity.
  • In reset(), clears static state. This is called at the end of each test.

This custom ShadowActivity is defined in app/src/test/resources/

Running tests

Tests can be run in a few ways.

On the command-line

./gradlew testDebugUnitTest connectedDebugAndroidTest

This produces reports in app/build/reports/tests (subfolders tests and androidTests)

In Android Studio

Clicking the green triangle next to a test may not work 😢.

Instead, you can do the following: Run -> Edit Configurations... -> Gradle

  • For a robolectric test: Put the following for "Run":
    :app:testDebugUnitTest --tests "com.example.simpledemo.SharedUnitTest"
    You should be able to run the test in debug mode as well, with breakpoints.
  • For an instrumentation test: Put the following for "Run":
    :app:connectedAndroidTest -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class="com.example.simpledemo.SharedUnitTest"
    If you run the test in debug mode, breakpoints won't be hit. 😥 Don't dispair, there's a workaround (we've got lots of them here!). You can temporarily comment-out this part of app/build.gradle.kts:
    sourceSets.named("test") {
    Android Studio apparently doesn't like the same file being used by multiple source sets, even though it works fine on the command line. With this modification, you can run the test by clicking the triangle, and it will run on a connected emulator/device, with breakpoint debugging possible.


In addition to the limitations with launching tests from Andrdoid Studio, mentioned above, a few caveats are worth mentioning.

This has only been tested on the very basic example app here.

To support launching activities "normally" (not "for result"), startActivity should be implemented in a similar way.

Why java for the ShadowActivity?

The shadow class is in Java, not Kotlin. This is due to an issue with the cleanup function reset(). This function must be public and static. The robolectric processor looks for @Resetter annotated methods which are public static void, on shadow classes, so it can know to invoke them at the end of tests. Normally, this could be done in Kotlin, by defining a method annotated with @JvmStatic, inside a companion object, and by using kapt instead of annoationProcessor. However, when doing this, the generated Kotlin stub file doesn't have the reset method generated correctly: it's defined as a non-static method inside a static inner companion class. It's as if @JvmStatic were ignored.

class ShadowActivity {
    public static class companion {
        public void reset() { // not static, not on `ShadowActivity`.
            // cleanup


The compose code in the activities is most certainly not following best practices! 😅 The idea is to have the simplest code possible (not necessarily the most robust), just for demonstration purposes.


Demo of running one UI test file on both robolectric and instrumented devices





