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breaking: Use charmcraftcache for builds instead of GitHub Actions …
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…cache (#115)

Breaking changes for charms with "pack-wrapper" environment in tox.ini:
- tox environment "pack-wrapper" renamed to "build-wrapper"
- tox environment "build" renamed to "build-production"
- new tox environment "build-dev" for cached builds

Example migration for breaking changes:
  • Loading branch information
carlcsaposs-canonical committed Jan 8, 2024
1 parent 6739c63 commit 9ce1015
Show file tree
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Showing 3 changed files with 8 additions and 127 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/build_charm_without_cache.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ jobs:
id: pack
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path-to-charm-directory }}
run: |
if tox list --no-desc | grep --fixed-strings --line-regexp build
if tox list --no-desc | grep --fixed-strings --line-regexp build-production
sg lxd -c "tox run -e build"
sg lxd -c "tox run -e build-production -- -v"
sg lxd -c "charmcraft pack"
sg lxd -c "charmcraft pack -v"
- name: Upload charmcraft logs
if: ${{ failure() && steps.pack.outcome == 'failure' }}
Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions .github/workflows/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,4 @@ jobs:
name: Build charms
uses: canonical/data-platform-workflows/.github/workflows/build_charms_with_cache.yaml@v0.0.0
actions: write # Needed to manage GitHub Actions cache
If any workflows call your workflow (i.e. your workflow includes `on: workflow_call`), recursively add
actions: write # Needed to manage GitHub Actions cache
to every calling workflow job.
121 changes: 5 additions & 116 deletions .github/workflows/build_charms_with_cache.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,87 +113,25 @@ jobs:
pipx inject poetry poetry-plugin-export
# TODO: Remove after is closed
poetry config warnings.export false
pipx install charmcraftcache
- name: Get charmcraft version
id: charmcraft-version
run: |
echo "version=$(charmcraft version)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "revision=$(readlink /var/snap/charmcraft/current)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Export charm requirements from poetry.lock
# `tox run -e pack-wrapper` will create a `requirements-last-build.txt` that is identical
# to the `requirements.txt` file that will be used later during `charmcraft pack`.
# We use `requirements-last-build.txt` instead of `poetry.lock` to generate the cache key.
# This is because `poetry.lock` contains dependencies that are not part of the charm.
# (e.g. lint, unit test, and integration test dependencies)
# When dependencies that aren't part of the charm change, we do not need to create a new
# cache.
working-directory: ${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}
run: |
# Do not use tox env unless charmcraft.yaml in same directory as tox.ini
# (e.g. if there's a charm in tests/integration, it should not be built using the tox
# wrapper)
if [[ -f 'tox.ini' ]] && tox list --no-desc | grep --fixed-strings --line-regexp build
tox run -e pack-wrapper
- name: Restore cache of `charmcraft pack` LXC instance
id: restore-cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v3
path: ~/ga-charmcraft-cache/**
key: charmcraft-pack-${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}-${{ matrix.charm.bases_index }}-${{ steps.charmcraft-version.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.charmcraft-version.outputs.revision }}-${{ hashFiles(format('{0}/charmcraft.yaml', matrix.charm.directory_path), format('{0}/requirements-last-build.txt', matrix.charm.directory_path), format('{0}/requirements.txt', matrix.charm.directory_path)) }}
- name: Import cached containers
if: ${{ steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: |
# Project setup copied from
sg lxd -c "lxc project create charmcraft"
sg lxd -c "lxc --project default profile show default | lxc --project charmcraft profile edit default"
charm_repository_directory_inode=$(stat --format "%i" '${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}')
for container_tarball in ~/ga-charmcraft-cache/lxd-containers/*
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft import \"$container_tarball\""
container_name_without_inode=$(basename --suffix .tar "$container_tarball")
# charmcraft 2.3.0 added a "base instance" LXC container that is not specific to a charm (and doesn't contain an inode)
if [[ $container_name_without_inode == charmcraft-* ]]
# LXC container is for a charm (not the "base instance")
# Replace placeholder text "INODE" with inode
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft move \"$container_name_without_inode\" \"$container_name_with_inode\""
# Force charmcraft to update all files
# By default, charmcraft only updates files that were modified after the last build.
# Source:
# Why this is needed:
# It is possible that a cache is created on the main branch after a file is modified on a PR branch.
# Without this, if the cache from main were used, that file would not be updated in the build.
sudo touch --date="1970-01-01" /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/containers/charmcraft_"$container_name_with_inode"/rootfs/root/parts/charm/state/pull
- name: Create pip cache directory
id: pip-cache
shell: python
run: |
import pathlib
import os
cache_directory = pathlib.Path.home() / "ga-charmcraft-cache/pip-cache"
cache_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"], "a") as file:
- name: Pack charm
id: pack
working-directory: ${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}
CRAFT_SHARED_CACHE: ${{ steps.pip-cache.outputs.cache_directory }}
run: |
# Do not use tox env unless charmcraft.yaml in same directory as tox.ini
# (e.g. if there's a charm in tests/integration, it should not be built using the tox
# wrapper)
if [[ -f 'tox.ini' ]] && tox list --no-desc | grep --fixed-strings --line-regexp build
if [[ -f 'tox.ini' ]] && tox list --no-desc | grep --fixed-strings --line-regexp build-dev
sg lxd -c "tox run -e build -- --bases-index='${{ matrix.charm.bases_index }}'"
sg lxd -c "tox run -e build-dev -- -v --bases-index='${{ matrix.charm.bases_index }}'"
sg lxd -c "charmcraft pack --bases-index='${{ matrix.charm.bases_index }}'"
sg lxd -c "charmcraftcache pack -v --bases-index='${{ matrix.charm.bases_index }}'"
- name: Upload charmcraft logs
if: ${{ failure() && steps.pack.outcome == 'failure' }}
Expand All @@ -213,52 +151,3 @@ jobs:
${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}/*.charm
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Export `charmcraft pack` containers to cache
id: export-containers
if: ${{ !steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-hit || github.event_name == 'schedule' }}
run: |
mkdir -p ~/ga-charmcraft-cache/lxd-containers
charm_repository_directory_inode=$(stat --format "%i" '${{ matrix.charm.directory_path }}')
for container_name_with_inode in $(sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft list --columns n --format csv")
# Disable charmcraft snap updates
# Workaround (unconfirmed) for
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft start \"$container_name_with_inode\""
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft exec \"$container_name_with_inode\" -- bash -c 'while ! systemctl is-active snapd.service; do sleep 0.5; done'"
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft exec \"$container_name_with_inode\" -- snap refresh --hold=forever charmcraft"
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft stop \"$container_name_with_inode\""
# charmcraft 2.3.0 added a "base instance" LXC container that is not specific to a charm (and doesn't contain an inode)
if [[ $container_name_with_inode == charmcraft-* ]]
# LXC container is for a charm (not the "base instance")
# Replace inode with placeholder text "INODE"
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft move \"$container_name_with_inode\" \"$container_name_without_inode\""
# LXC container is the "base instance"
# Use GitHub actions/cache compression
sg lxd -c "lxc --project charmcraft export --optimized-storage --compression none \"$container_name_without_inode\" ~/ga-charmcraft-cache/lxd-containers/\"$container_name_without_inode\".tar"
- if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' && steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
name: Delete cache on main
# GitHub actions cache is limited to 10 GiB per repository
# When the 10 GiB limit is exceeded, GitHub deletes the oldest caches.
# If the cache on the main branch is deleted by GitHub,
# any new pull requests will be unable to restore a cache.
# To avoid that situation, delete the cache on main and save
# a new cache with the same key once per day.
run: |
gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" --method DELETE "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/caches?key=${{ steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-primary-key }}"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Save cache of `charmcraft pack` LXC instance
if: ${{ steps.export-containers.outcome == 'success' }}
uses: actions/cache/save@v3
path: ~/ga-charmcraft-cache/**
# Use value of "key" from restore-cache step
key: ${{ steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-primary-key }}

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