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Following host OS UX UI

Didier Korthoudt edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 4 revisions

In order to tailor UX-UI based on the platform running an application (MacOS or Windows, other platforms being seen as MacOS), a new CPApplication method is declared : setOSBehavior.

- (void)setOSBehavior:(CPApplicationOSBehavior)anOSBehavior

You can pass two values :

  • CPApplicationLegacyOSBehavior : this is the default value and represents usual behavior (platform independence) ;
  • CPApplicationFollowOSBehavior : this permits to tailor UX-UI based on the platform running the application.

Right now, only windows buttons (close, minify, zoom) use this parameter. If set to CPApplicationFollowOSBehavior, when running on Windows, buttons will show on the top right of the window (instead of top left) and will have a Windows-like look & feel (when using Aristo3 theme).

Legacy behavior:


Follow behavior (on a Windows machine):


During application start (after loading default theme and before loading the main Cib), the application will try to determine the value of OSBehavior :

  • Default value is CPApplicationLegacyOSBehavior ;
  • If a standard user default named CPApplicationOSBehavior is found, its value (which must be @"CPApplicationLegacyOSBehavior" or @"CPApplicationFollowOSBehavior") will be used ;
  • Else, if the Info.plist file of the application contains a key named CPApplicationOSBehavior, of type String, its value (which must be CPApplicationLegacyOSBehavior or CPApplicationFollowOSBehavior) will be used.

When called with a valid CPApplicationOSBehavior value, setOSBehavior will post the CPApplicationOSBehaviorDidChangeNotification notification.

AppKit widgets can then register as observers of this notification in order to adapt their UX-UI regarding the value of [CPApp OSBehavior].

The utility method [CPApp shouldMimicWindows] (boolean) can be used in your code. It will return YES if OSBehavior is equal to CPApplicationFollowOSBehavior and if your application is running on a Windows platform.

For development testing purpose, you can add a boolean flag CPApplicationSimulateWindowsOS to the Info.plist of your application (this should be removed in your release). If set to YES, when computing the value of [CPApp shouldMimicWindows], CPApplication will consider that your application runs on a Windows platform (whatever the real platform).