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Movies App - Backend

API developed with Node, Express, TypeScript and PostgreSQL, and used by the project movies-frontend.



  • GET /ping - Check API status server
  • GET /movies - Get all movies
  • POST /movies - Create a new movie
  • PUT /movies/{id} - Update a movie by id
  • DELETE /movies/{id} - Delete a movie by id
  • GET /movies/{id} - Get a movie by id
  • GET /movies/search/{title} - Get movies by title

Check the swagger documentation.

Technologies and libraries

  • Node
  • Express
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node-Postgres
  • Cloudinary
  • Express-fileupload
  • Fs-extra

Run app

  1. Clone or download the project to your computer.
  2. Create a Postgres database, using the commands and structure described in src/database/db.sql. If the database is local, configure the pool in src/database/db.js with ssl: false.
  3. Set the environment variables described in the env-example.txt file.
  4. Install dependencies with the npm install command or its yarn equivalent.
  5. Run npm run dev command or its yarn equivalent.