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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Jan 06:14
· 39 commits to develop since this release

Installation and signature verification


By downloading binary from the release

For instance, if you are using Linux on an AMD64 architecture:

# Download the binary
curl -LO

# Move the binary in to your PATH
mv vendir-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/vendir

# Make the binary executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vendir

Via Homebrew (macOS or Linux)

$ brew tap carvel-dev/carvel
$ brew install vendir
$ vendir version  

Verify checksums file signature

Install cosign on your system

The checksums file provided within the artifacts attached to this release is signed using Cosign with GitHub OIDC. To validate the signature of this file, run the following commands:

# Download the checksums file, certificate and signature
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO

# Verify the checksums file
cosign verify-blob checksums.txt \
  --certificate checksums.txt.pem \
  --signature checksums.txt.sig \
  --certificate-identity-regexp= \

Verify binary integrity

To verify the integrity of the downloaded binary, you can utilize the checksums file after having validated its signature.

# Verify the binary using the checksums file
sha256sum -c checksums.txt --ignore-missing

✨ What's new

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.38.0...v0.39.0

📂 Files Checksum

012531a2f1a2de8bc89f1623edfc40a7ac5aee421fe609085278fb9e287f1cdf  ./vendir-linux-arm64
20b71cc25dc3fea31edf9667c92a05167f713935f854882159736443c2f7a0e6  ./vendir-windows-amd64.exe
90ae82718c1072831f3097bdb031d5a897cc9f2f8334e2e1d7f35e35d0abd84f  ./vendir-darwin-amd64
91ecf04ad5cdfa0f8839dc1430da7a4da665f7cb88c64c0c72202f6db261e651  ./vendir-darwin-arm64
feb2836153508adfb6fd33c127e466c9ce26577678e93a252be2fec445f4501f  ./vendir-linux-amd64