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Chris Griffith edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 13 revisions

Welcome to FastFlix!

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Check the pages on the right side for additional information ->

Third-party software

  • FFmpeg (required)
  • NVEncC (optional Nvidia encoder)
  • VCEEncC (optional AMD encoder)
  • hdr10plus_parser (optional)


The FFmpeg themselves do not provide pre-built binaries. Instead you have to either build it yourself or rely on someone else's kind efforts to do said work for you.

You can find static downloads for Mac and Linux linked on FFmpeg's download page.


BtbN's Windows FFmpeg builds is the most complete build that I currently recommend for Windows users.

Other options:


BtbN's Linux FFmeg builds

Custom Compile

As well as static binaries, you can compile it yourself to get the best compatibility with FastFlix.

If you want rav1e support, first install cargo for rust.

curl -sSf | sh -y

Then install dependence and build ffmpeg using markus-perl's excellent build script.

sudo apt install build-essential curl libzip-dev libtool git -y
git clone 
cd ffmpeg-build-script
./build-ffmpeg -b --enable-gpl-and-non-free --latest

Note: This repo currently mixes GPL and non-free together, so if you want support for x265/x264 you will also get options like fdk-aac and it becomes a non-redistributable build. You can use it yourself just fine, but cannot send it to other people / share it online.

Hardware encoders

FFmpeg has support for basic hardware encoding (FastFlix includes these for NVENC), however it does not support all options or HDR10. For the following external programs, you will have to download them separately, extract the files to a safe location, and link them in FastFlix settings (or add it's parent's folder to the PATH of your operating system).

NVEncC - Nvidia NVENC hardware encoder

NVEncC by rigaya is an excellent encoder for using with your Nvidia graphics card. It supports HDR10 and even HDR10+!

VCEEncC - AMD VCE hardware encoder

VCEEncC by rigaya is an excellent encoder for using with your AMD graphics card that supports HDR10.

HDR10+ parser

hdr10plus_parser by quietviod is a command line tool to extract HDR10+ metadata from video files. If it is on your path, you will be able to one click extract those files for re-encoding with via the UI.