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Initializer for an Angular workspace with Ionic app and Open API client lib


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Create an Angular workspace with Ionic app and OpenAPI client lib


You need an OpenAPI spec file for the client lib to be generated. You might use this archetype com.c4-soft.springaddons:spring-webmvc-archetype and mvn clean install -Popenapi it to get such a spec file.

How to use

  • make sure you cd to your project home dir
  • in this project home dir, put copies of both OpenAPI spec file and the directory containing this repo
  • run the following (edit variables and npm init values according to your needs):
# Edit this exports according to your needs
export WORKSPACE_NAME=angular-workspace
export APP_NAME=poc
export API_LIB_NAME=poc-api
export API_SPEC_FILE=poc-api.openapi.json
export CAPACITOR_ID=com.c4_soft.poc

npm set ""
npm set "ch4mpy"
npm set init.license "Apache-2.0"

# Prepare a script copy
cp angular-ionic-workspace-template/ $
sed -i 's/APP_NAME/'$APP_NAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/API_LIB_NAME/'$API_LIB_NAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/API_SPEC_FILE/'$API_SPEC_FILE'/g' $
sed -i 's/HOSTNAME/'$HOSTNAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/USERNAME/'$USERNAME'/g' $

cp angular-ionic-workspace-template/_package.json angular-ionic-workspace-template/package.json
sed -i 's/API_LIB_NAME/'$API_LIB_NAME'/g' angular-ionic-workspace-template/package.json

cp angular-ionic-workspace-template/_index.html angular-ionic-workspace-template/index.html
sed -i 's/APP_NAME/'$APP_NAME'/g' angular-ionic-workspace-template/index.html

# Install required tools
npm i -g @angular/cli
npm i -g @ionic/cli

# Go!
bash $

# cleanup
rm $
rm angular-ionic-workspace-template/package.json
rm angular-ionic-workspace-template/index.html

What is done

  • create an Angular workspace
  • add an Angular application to this workspace
  • turn this regular Angular app into an Ionic one (install dependencies, replace or edit angular config files)
  • replace Angular minimal app with an Ionic app composed of a menu in a split-pane and two pages
  • add an Angular lib to Angular workspace. This lib is generated by openapitools from the OpenAPI spec file produced by Spring REST API (with mvn clean verify -Popenapi)

What is not done

  • Replace Angular schematics with Ionic ones (I personally prefer Angular ones). To do so:
    sed -i 's/"@schematics\/angular:component": {/"@ionic\/angular-toolkit:page": {\
        "style": "scss"\
    "@ionic\/angular-toolkit:component": {/' $WORKSPACE_NAME/angular.json;
    sed -i 's/"projectType": "application"/"projectType": "application",\
    "cli": {\
        "analytics": false,\
        "defaultCollection": "@ionic\/angular-toolkit"\
    }/' $WORKSPACE_NAME/angular.json;
  • Configure Angular apps to be served over https:
    • run:
      sed -i 's/"serve": "ionic serve"/"serve": "ionic serve --ssl --external --public-host='$HOSTNAME' -c='$HOSTNAME'"/' projects/$APP_NAME/package.json
      sed -i 's/"android": "ionic capacitor run android -l/"android": "ionic capacitor run android -l --ssl --external --public-host='$HOSTNAME' -c='$HOSTNAME'/' projects/$APP_NAME/package.json
    • In angular.json, for each app, under architect -> serve -> configurations, add (after editing HOSTNAME, USERNAME and APP_NAME):
      "HOSTNAME": {
        "browserTarget": "APP_NAME:build:development",
        "host": "HOSTNAME",
        "ssl": true,
        "sslCert": "C:/Users/USERNAME/.ssh/HOSTNAME_self_signed.crt",
        "sslKey": "C:/Users/USERNAME/.ssh/HOSTNAME_req_key.pem"
  • Configure Android or iOS app deep links. To do it on Android:
    • Add intent filters in AndroidManifest.xml such as:
              <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
              <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
              <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
              <data android:scheme="https" android:host="bravo-ch4mp" android:port="8100" />
              <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
              <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
              <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
              <data android:scheme="https" android:host="localhost" />
  • Configure Android or iOS app to use https. To do it on Android:
    • Add this to CapacitorConfig in projects/$APP_NAME/capacitor.config.ts:
      server: {
          hostname: 'localhost',
          androidScheme: 'https'
    • create file res/xml/network_security_config such as (android resources names can not contain '-'):
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
              <certificates src="@raw/bravo_ch4mp_self_signed"/>
              <certificates src="system"/>
      • cleartextTrafficPermitted="false" forces the use of https for all trafic
      • <certificates src="@raw/bravo_ch4mp_self_signed"/> is required only if certificate used by remote servers are self-signed (res/raw/bravo_ch4mp_self_signed.crt is the certificate with which my local API instance is served)
    • Add networkSecurityConfig property to application tag in AndroidManifest.xml:


Initializer for an Angular workspace with Ionic app and Open API client lib







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