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Releases: charkour/zundo

v2.1.0 - Update Handle Set arguments

21 Jan 19:28
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Release notes

  • fixed a bug for complex cases of zundo and update handleSet arguments to include currentState and deltaState (#139) in #149
    • 🚨 Warning: This changes behavior that previously was a bug. If you relied on this behavior, there may be a breaking change.
  • updated peer dependency to test with zustand v4.5

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.1.0

v2.0.3 - TS Fix and Docs

23 Dec 16:16
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Release notes

  • @pstrassmann fixed a TypeScript bug and spent a lot of time updating the docs! πŸŽ‰

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3

v2.0.2 - Actually support ESM and CJS

23 Dec 15:48
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Release notes

v2.0.1 attempted to support ESM and CJS, but it instead changed the module support from CJS to ESM which is a potentially breaking change based on the user's JS runtime specification. This change fixes the package.json file to support ESM or CJS, depending on what's required by the user's runtime.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2

v2.0.1 - CJS (and ESM) and Deno

09 Dec 02:36
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v2.0.1 Release Notes

  • 🚨 Potentially breaking: this release introduces a potentially breaking change, the default output switched from CJS to ESM. Please use version v2.0.2 to avoid this potentially breaking change.
  • zundo is available via
  • zundo is available in cjs in addition to esm now

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1

v2.0.0 - Smaller and more flexible πŸŽ‰

16 Sep 21:15
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v2.0.0 is a complete rewrite of zundo. It is smaller and more flexible. It also has a smaller bundle size and allows you to opt into specific performance trade-offs. The API has changed slightly. See the API section for more details. Below is a summary of the changes as well as steps to migrate from v1 to v2.

v2 introduces 8 new middleware options and is only ~800 bytes where v1 was a few KBs.


zundo is used by several projects and teams including Stability AI, Yext, KaotoIO, and

If this library is useful to you, please consider sponsoring the project. Thank you!

PRs are welcome! pnpm is used as a package manager. Run pnpm install to install local dependencies. Thank you for contributing!

Breaking Changes

Middleware Option Changes

  • include and exclude options are now handled by the partialize option.
  • allowUnchanged option is now handled by the equality option. By default, all state changes are tracked. In v1, we bundled lodash.isequal to handle equality checks. In v2, you are able to use any function.
  • historyDepthLimit option has been renamed to limit.
  • coolOffDurationMs option is now handled by the handleSet option by wrapping the setter function with a throttle or debounce function.

Import changes

  • The middleware is called temporal rather than undoMiddleware.

New Features

New Options

  • partialize option to omit or include specific fields. By default, the entire state object is tracked.
  • limit option to limit the number of previous and future states stored in history.
  • equality option to use a custom equality function to determine when a state change should be tracked. By default, all state changes are tracked.
  • diff option to store state delta rather than full object.
  • onSave option to call a function when the temporal store is updated.
  • handleSet option to throttle or debounce state changes.
  • pastStates and futureStates options to initialize the temporal store with past and future states.
  • wrapTemporal option to wrap the temporal store with middleware. The temporal store is a vanilla zustand store.

New temporal.getState() API

  • undo, redo, and clear functions are now always defined. They can no longer be undefined.
  • undo() and redo() functions now accept an optional steps parameter to go back or forward multiple states at once.
  • isTracking flag, and pause, and resume functions are now available on the temporal store.
  • setOnSave function is now available on the temporal store to change the onSave behavior after the store has been created.

Migration Steps

  1. Update zustand to v4.3.0 or higher
  2. Update zundo to v2.0.0 or higher
  3. Update your store to use the new API
  4. Update imports
- import { undoMiddleware } from 'zundo';
+ import { temporal } from 'zundo';
  • If you're using include or exclude, use the new partialize option
// v1.6.0
// Only field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreA = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { include: ['field1', 'field2'] }

// Everything besides field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreB = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { exclude: ['field1', 'field2'] }

// v2.0.0
// Only field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreA = create<StoreState>(
    (set) => ({
      // your store fields
      partialize: (state) => {
        const { field1, field2, } = state;
        return { field1, field2 };

// Everything besides field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreB = create<StoreState>(
    (set) => ({
      // your store fields
      partialize: (state) => {
        const { field1, field2, } = state;
        return rest;
  • If you're using allowUnchanged, use the new equality option
// v1.6.0
// Use an existing `allowUnchanged` option
const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { allowUnchanged: true }

// v2.0.0
// Use an existing equality function
import { shallow } from 'zustand/shallow'; // or use `lodash.isequal` or any other equality function

// Use an existing equality function
const useStoreA = create<StoreState>(
    (set) => ({
      // your store fields
    { equality: shallow },
  • If you're using historyDepthLimit, use the new limit option
// v1.6.0
// Use an existing `historyDepthLimit` option
const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { historyDepthLimit: 100 }

// v2.0.0
// Use `limit` option
const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    (set) => ({
      // your store fields
    { limit: 100 },
  • If you're using coolOffDurationMs, use the new handleSet option
// v1.6.0
// Use an existing `coolOffDurationMs` option
const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { coolOfDurationMs: 1000 }

// v2.0.0
// Use `handleSet` option
const withTemporal = temporal<MyState>(
  (set) => ({
    // your store fields
    handleSet: (handleSet) =>
      throttle<typeof handleSet>((state) => {'handleSet called');
      }, 1000),

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v2.0.0

v2.0.0-beta.25 - track deltas

04 Sep 02:38
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Allows for runtime perf which results in a larger bundle size. More space efficient but less time efficient.

819 B --> 848 B (3.54% increase)


Store state delta rather than full object

diff?: (pastState: Partial<PartialTState>, currentState: Partial<PartialTState>) => Partial<PartialTState> | null

For performance reasons, you may want to store the state delta rather than the complete (potentially partialized) state object. This can be done by passing a diff function. The diff function should return an object that represents the difference between the past and current state. By default, the full state object is stored.

If diff returns null, the state change will not be tracked. This is helpful for a conditionally storing past states or if you have a doNothing action that does not change the state.

You can write your own or use something like microdiff, just-diff, or deep-object-diff.

const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    (set) => ({
      // your store fields
      diff: (pastState, currentState) => {
        const myDiff = diff(currentState, pastState);
        const newStateFromDiff = myDiff.reduce(
          (acc, difference) => {
            type Key = keyof typeof currentState;
            if (difference.type === 'CHANGE') {
              const pathAsString = difference.path.join('.') as Key;
              acc[pathAsString] = difference.value;
            return acc;
          {} as Partial<typeof currentState>,
        return isEmpty(newStateFromDiff) ? null : newStateFromDiff;

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.24...v2.0.0-beta.25

v2.0.0-beta.24 - Update deps, smaller build

01 Aug 01:33
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821 B --> 819 B

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.23...v2.0.0-beta.24

v2.0.0-beta.23 - Use Array methods

18 Jun 01:41
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833 B --> 821 B

Switch from using a while loop to using array methods.
This allows us to shrink the bundle size and to only perform array copies if we are actually going to commit something to the store.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.22...v2.0.0-beta.23

v2.0.0-beta.22 - Reduce size by moving internals

15 Jun 23:44
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839 B --> 833 B

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.21...v2.0.0-beta.22

v2.0.0-beta.21 - isTracking Flag

15 Jun 22:27
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852 B --> 839 B

Breaking Change

- trackingStatus: 'tracking' | 'paused'
+ isTracking: boolean

- trackingStatus === 'tracking'
+ isTracking === true

- trackingStatus === 'paused'
+ isTracking === false

Stop and start history

isTracking: boolean

isTracking: a stateful flag in the temporal store that indicates whether the temporal store is tracking state changes or not. Possible values are true or false. To programmatically pause and resume tracking, use pause() and resume() explained below.

Pause tracking of history

pause: () => void

pause: call function to pause tracking state changes. This will prevent new states from being stored in history within the temporal store. Sets isTracking to false.

Resume tracking of history

resume: () => void

resume: call function to resume tracking state changes. This will allow new states to be stored in history within the temporal store. Sets isTracking to true.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.20...v2.0.0-beta.21