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alanxz edited this page Mar 6, 2012 · 1 revision

CMake cannot find Boost when building SimpleAmqpClient

Check the following:

  • You need to have boost v1.47.0 or better available with the boost-chrono and boost-system libraries built
  • Tell FindBoost.cmake where boost is by setting the CMake variable BOOST_ROOT
  • The FindBoost.cmake module in versions of CMake v2.8.6 and older do not know about versions of boost newer than v.1.46.1 so you need to tell the FindBoost.cmake about these versions. You do this by setting the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS CMake variable. e.g., Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS="1.47 1.47.0"
  • If you have built boost statically you will need to set the Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS CMake variable to ON

If all else fails read the FindBoost.cmake documentation. You can also execute the following to get the documentation on your local system:

cmake --help-module FindBoost

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