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area:dependencies ⬆️
area:dependencies :arrow_up:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
blocked 🛑
blocked 🛑
cant-reproduce 🤷
cant-reproduce :shrug:
duplicate 👬
duplicate :two_men_holding_hands:
Link duplicate issue in comments.
invalid 🙅
invalid :no_good:
need:design 🎨
need:design :art:
need:help ❓
need:help :question:
Add person and help needed in comments
need:ideation 💡
need:ideation :bulb:
Not clear enough to start development
need:more info ℹ️
need:more info :information_source:
Add details to comments.
need:split up 💔
need:split up :broken_heart:
Should be split into multiple issues.
need:user feedback 💬
need:user feedback :speech_balloon:
Waiting for info from user
priority:high ⬆️
priority:high :arrow_up:
priority:low ⬇️
priority:low :arrow_down:
priority:medium ➡️
priority:medium :arrow_right:
type:bug 🐛
type:bug :bug:
type:design 🎨
type:design :art:
type:documentation 📘
type:documentation :blue_book:
Changing help guide or other documentation
type:enhancement ✨
type:enhancement :sparkles:
type:marketing 💸
type:marketing :money_with_wings:
type:release 📦
type:release :package:
type:testing 🧪
type:testing :test_tube:
An issue that is only for QA.
type:user research 🥼
type:user research :lab_coat:
wontfix ❌
wontfix :x: