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Releases: cloudfoundry-community/bosh-gen

v0.101.1 - bosh-gen package --apt rewrite

07 Oct 23:30
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Rewrite of bosh-gen package --apt to perform the fetch of debian packages during package compilation, rather than assume Vagrant etc.

This idea "works" even better if you are shipping pre-compiled BOSH releases to your users; therefore only you/your CI performs the Debian package fetching, not the end users.

v0.101.0 - bosh-gen package --apt

07 Oct 23:18
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UPDATE: bug fix in v0.101.1

Rewrite of bosh-gen package --apt to perform the fetch of debian packages during package compilation, rather than assume Vagrant etc.

This idea "works" even better if you are shipping pre-compiled BOSH releases to your users; therefore only you/your CI performs the Debian package fetching, not the end users.

v0.100.0 - xenial stemcells

03 Oct 22:46
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Generated manifest assumes xenial stemcells. Bumped bpm to 0.12.3.


04 Apr 01:41
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v0.96.0 - jobs run inside garden containers

26 Oct 04:52
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From now on, new bosh-gen job will use to run jobs within containers. These job folders are a lot simpler to understand and have a lot less cruft generated to manage pid files etc.

Watch to learn more about bpm (previously called crucible) from CF Summit EU 2017 in Basel.

To generate the original, non-bpm job templates use --no-bpm flag.


17 Aug 02:52
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  • extract-job and extract-pkg commands use bosh add-blob for blobs
  • extract-job and extract-pkg commands correctly glob for many files across both src/ and blobs/ directories
  • If bosh2 is installed then it is used; else assumes bosh is the latest bosh2 CLI

Please uninstall old bosh_cli rubygem:

gem uninstall bosh_cli

v0.92.0 - remove reference to bosh_cli

17 Aug 00:26
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gem install bosh-gen will no longer install old bosh_cli gem and its old bosh CLI.

v0.90.0 - switching to bosh2

18 Jul 22:28
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This release is the first that moves towards supporting bosh2 CLI, both its required project files/schema and ultimately to use bosh2 for some bosh-gen commands.

Ongoing tickets are grouped at

Changes in v0.90.0

Required for bosh2

  • config/private.yml schema changed

Style/lint changes

  • single manifest that "just works", rather than templates/make_manifest to merge several part files together. Generated stub manifests/thing.yml should be updated as you develop your release to always deploy a useful working system. bosh2 deploy manifests/thing.yml should "just work" please.
  • ctl for name of job monit control script


  • bosh1 ruby plugin - bosh2 is written in golang and does not support plugins; I'm unsure how much this plugin was used; but if it was then it needs rewriting
  • old specs + .travis.yml for testing generators; instead we'll look at having integration tests via CI
  • data/ template - it wasn't a pattern that was being adopted


11 Jan 16:39
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v0.22 - stdout/stderr combined, random networks for warden

21 Nov 00:30
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Thanks to James Hunt, Quintessence Anx, and Long Nguyen for this version!

  • Fixed stemcell URLs from bosh public stemcells to
  • Randomize Warden Network definitions so they don't always clash
  • Unify stdout/stderr log files everywhere
  • Fixed issue where dir cpi was found as warden_cpi' notwarden'