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Universal admin panel magnetic to any backend. Supports authentication, role management, entities view, creation, edition and deletion. I18n, infinitely nested layout and custom components – use packed tools to make the best admin dashboards in an hour!

Read more about Magner in the docs

Problems and troubleshooting

What is this feature for? How should I use this property in the config?

If you ask yourself similar questions while using Magner, please, check the structured documentation links from above. It explains main concepts and shows the usage of different configurations.

If you need to dive deeper than the documentation, check the TypeScript interfaces: hover over the property in the config and do "Go to definition" in your IDE: CMD+Click in Webstorm, Ctrl+Click in VS Code.

As a last resort, you can open an issue (or discussion) in the repo or contact the maintainer with your problem or proposal. For contributions, follow the Contributing instructions.


Licensed by the terms of the MIT license. Copyright © Code Pilots. 2021