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My Twitter React App


Hello, I'm Itamar Junior. As part of my ongoing journey to master the React framework and to improve my JavaScript and CSS skills, I decided to build a clone of Twitter's user interface.

This project was completed in July 2023 and is aimed at demonstrating my grasp of front-end technologies, particularly ReactJS, JavaScript, and CSS. It's a standard React application which I built to re-create the Twitter interface, integrating the Phosphor Icons library and ensuring responsive design.

Project Overview

Project Screenshot

This project is a full clone of the popular social media platform Twitter, at least from the UI standpoint. It uses state management to simulate the behavior of posting tweets and responding to tweets.

Project Screenshot

The application utilizes Phosphor Icons to bring the interface to life and closely resemble Twitter's original design. I've also ensured that the interface is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience on a wide range of devices, from mobile to desktop.

Project Screenshot

Project Screenshot

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS: For handling the UI components of the application.
  • JavaScript: For the functional parts of the app, such as state management and event handling.
  • CSS: For styling and animations.
  • Phosphor Icons: For providing sleek and attractive icons across the interface.


Through this project, I have learned and practiced various aspects of React, JavaScript, and CSS. This was a great hands-on opportunity to improve my front-end development skills.

I sincerely hope you find this project interesting. Feel free to clone, modify, and use it for your learning or projects.


If you want to contact me, you can reach me at

Happy coding! 🚀