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A Python based gitleaks wrapped tool to enable scanning of multiple Gitlab repositories in parallel.


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Gitlab Scanner

A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel. Gitlab scanner is based on mpgitleaks which is a github secret scanner.

The motivation behind writing this script was:

  • implement workaround for gitleaks intermittent failures when cloning very large repositories
  • implement ability to scan multiple repostiories in parallel
  • implement ability to scan repositories for a specific group or read repositories from a file
  • implement ci/cd friendliness by exiting exit(1) upon leaks found.


  • the script uses https to clone the repos
    • you must set the GITLAB_BASE_URL environment variables - this should be the url to the gitlab which you would like to scan.
    • if using --file then https clone urls must be supplied in the file
  • Script requires a access-token which can be set by --token parameter when running Gitlab-Scanner.
  • the maximum number of background processes (workers) that will be started is 20
    • if the number of repos to process is less than the maximum number of workers
      • the script will start one worker per repository
    • if the number of repos to process is greater than the maximum number of workers
      • the repos will be added to a thread-safe queue and processed by all the workers
  • the Docker container must run with a bind mount to the working directory in order to access logs/reports
    • the repos will be cloned to the ./scans/clones folder in the working directory this folder will be deleted after the script is completed.
    • the reports will be written to the ./scans/ folder in the working directory
    • a summary report will be written to gitlab-scanner_Resutls_DATE.csv
    • after each project has been scanned, the repository will be deleted to minimize the storage.


usage: [-h] [--file FILENAME] [--project-id PROJECT_ID]
                         [--scan-limit LIMIT] [--group-id GROUP_ID]
                         [--branches BRANCHES] --token TOKEN
                         [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE] [--debug]

A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple
gitlab projects in parallel

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILENAME       scan projects contained in the specified file
  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                        scan a specific project by id
  --scan-limit LIMIT    limit numbers of projects to scan (default: 0 = all)
  --group-id GROUP_ID   gitlab Group Id to scan
  --branches BRANCHES   specify branch(es) to scan. Separate branch names with
                        "|" (default: all)
  --token TOKEN         access-token to authenticate with Gitlab
  --exclude EXCLUDE     a regex to match name of projects to exclude from
                        scanning, divide by using "|"
  --include INCLUDE     a regex to match name of projects to include in
                        scanning, divide by using "|"
  --debug               debug gitlab-scanner to a log file which will be named


Build the image:

docker build -t gitlab-scanner .

Execute the Docker container:

docker container run \
--rm \
-it \
-v $PWD:/opt/gitlab-scanner \
gitlab-scanner \
OPTIONS (example: --token "xxxx" --group-id 10 --exclude "project-name" --scan-limit 10)

Entrypoint in the docker container is, when running the container pass the options from gitlab-scanner.


Scan all repos contained in the file :

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --file 'some-file-containing-repos.txt' --exclude "project-name1|project-name2|.*ansible.*"

Scan all repos for the authenticated user but exclude the repos that match the specified regex:

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --group-id XX --exclude 'project-name'

Scan all repos in the specified organization but only include the repos that match the specified regex:

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --group-id XX --include '.*-ansible'

Scan a specific project via project id but :

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --project-id XX

Scan only the first 10 projects found in group:

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --group-id XX --scan-limit 10

Scan only master, main and staging branches:

gitlab-scanner --token "xxxx" --group-id XX --branches "master|main|staging"