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A Javascript Web App boilerplate using Grunt, RequireJS, Backbone, and other goodies.

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Getting Started

If you'd like to develop a project using this template be sure to git clone the repo, remove the .git file, and start a new git repositiory.

  1. git clone clones the repo down to your box
  2. cd sacrum && rm -rf .git deletes the folder '.git' with flags -r for recursive and -f for force (a lot of files in .git don't like to be deleted)
  3. mv ../sacrum ../new-name essentially renames the folder to "new-name"
  4. git init creates a new git repo (you can also follow the github instructions)

Running the Builder - First Steps - Advanced

After you have renamed the project for your own uses or if you wanna just try it out as is:

1.npm install 2.grunt dev:server

The second command should automatically open up a tab in your default browser to the port that is servering the app.

Running the Builder - Very First Steps - Beginner Mac OS

  • do you have XCode installed?
  • do you have homebrew installed?
  • do you have git installed?
  • do you have npm (with node) installed globally?
  • do you have grunt-cli installed globally?

Once you can answer yes to every item move on to 'First Steps - Advanced'

Running the Builder - Very First Steps - Beginner Linux OS

If you are cool enough to be running a distro of Linux then you don't need me to hold your hand through this. One thing, are you using nvm? Might want to get that tho it is not a strict requirement.

Grunt Tasks

grunt dev grunt dev:server grunt test grunt test:server grunt build grunt build:server

All of the grunt tasks are run in the terminal when you are sitting at the root of the project's dirctory.

grunt dev

This task compiles all the coffee, stylus, and compass files from app and places then in a folder called ".tmp" along with vendor scripts, vendor styles, and any files you've written in JavaScript inside "app/". This task also automatically runs the grunt test command.

grunt dev:server

This task compiles the app and launches a server to view the project on. This task also automatically runs the grunt test command.

grunt test

This task compiles the app and runs the jasmine test specs written in "test/spec/" via a headless server, phantom.

grunt test:server

This tasks compiles the app and runs the jasmine test specs in your default browser.

grunt build

This task compiles the app for a production environment including minification and requirejs optmization and places the files in a folder called "dist". All the static files have a unqiue hash added to their names - this allows for infinite caching on the browser. The "usemin" task in the Gruntfile should automatically replace references to the new static file names in the index.html and main.css files. This task also automatically runs the grunt test command.

grunt build:server

This task compiles the app for a production environment and creates a server for you to via the built project in your browser. This task also automatically runs the grunt test command.

Sacrum's Structure

Main File

The main file is located at the root, named Gruntfile.js.

Directory Structure

.tmp/ app/ dist/ node_modules/ test/ vendor/


The .tmp folder is constructed by the builder when running the developer and testing tasks. This folder is not tracked in the git repo.


The app folder is where you writing all your application code. The builder only has one opinion on the folder topography of this directory. The "app" folder must contain the index.html file in an assets, namely "app/assets/". you should also organize all your static assets in a reasonable way within this folder - images, fonts, etc.


The dist folder is where the built app is placed. This folder can be rsync'ed to the server where this app is hosted. A bash script "" has been added to this project to template what your rsync script might look like. This folder is not tracked in the git repo.


The node_modules folder contains all the node modules used by the builder (grunt). This folder and its contents are added once you run `npm install'. This folder is not tracked in the git repo.


The test folder is set up to conduct jasmine tests and the Gruntfile is also configured to support this. All the test suites are written in files named "*Spec.js" and should be kept in the "test/spec/" folder. You can create whatever folder structure you would like in there. The builder will reach recursively down and pull out all files that match the node glob pattern "*Spec.js".


The vendor folder contains all the vendor scripts and styles you want to use. The "vendor/js/" folder is already filled with many useful libraries. This folder gets copied into ".tmp/js/vendor/" during developement. And during the dist build process these files are momentarily placed in "dist/js/vendor/" for requirejs to concatenate afterwhich the files are removed.

Packages and Libraries Used

JavaScript Libraries

  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • jQuery 2.0.3
  • Underscore 1.4.4
  • Backbone 1.0.0
  • Backbone.Marionette 1.0.3
  • Handlebars 1.0.0
  • Handlebars.Runtime 1.0.0
  • RequireJS 2.1.8
  • RequireJS.Text 2.0.7
  • Almond 0.2.5

Node Modules

  • grunt
  • grunt-concurrent
  • grunt-contrib-clean
  • grunt-contrib-coffee
  • grunt-contrib-compass
  • grunt-contrib-connect
  • grunt-contrib-copy
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin
  • grunt-contrib-handlebars
  • grunt-contrib-htmlmin
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin
  • grunt-contrib-jasmine
  • grunt-contrib-jshint
  • grunt-contrib-livereload
  • grunt-contrib-requirejs
  • grunt-contrib-stylus
  • grunt-contrib-uglify
  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-open
  • grunt-rev
  • grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs
  • grunt-usemin
  • matchdep


  • check if styles living in app/styles is a dependency
  • add kalei styleguide
  • add docco javascript quick documentation tool


0.0.1 - fixes depreciated livereload, problems with coffee compiling distination, and a number of other issues - coffee now compiles with the correct dest structure on grunt dev tasks - coffee now compiles with the correct dest structure on grunt build tasks (note: coffee with r.js untested) - fixes compass compaining when there there is no main.scss file - wires up handlebars.runtime in require config (note: compiled templates and runtime library untested) - wires up imagemin to convert non-progressive jpegs to progressive format - auto removes the livereload script from the index file when running the grunt build tasks - breaks down watch tasks into more modular support - renames connect:livereload task to more aptly connect:tmp 0.0.0 - shared with team to test use in the wild


A Javascript Web App boilerplate using Grunt, RequireJS, Backbone, and other goodies.






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