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Defined type jboss::clientry

Krzysztof Suszyński edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

The jboss::clientry defined type

This define is very versitale. It can be used to add or remove any JBoss CLI entry. You can pass any number of properties for given CLI path and each one will be manage, other parameters will not be changed.

jboss::clientry { '/subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default':
  ensure     => 'present',
  properties => {
    'security-enabled' => false,

Parameters of jboss::clientry:

This type uses JBoss module standard metaparameters

ensure parameter

Standard ensure parameter. Can be either present or absent.

path parameter

This is the namevar. Path of the CLI entry. This is path accepted by JBoss CLI. The path must be passed without /profile=<profile-name> in domain mode as well (for that profile parameter must be used).

properties parameter

This is optional properties hash. You can pass any valid JBoss properties for given path. For valid ones head to the JBoss Application Server documentation. Must be hash object or undef value.

dorestart parameter

This parameter forces to execute command :restart() on this CLI entry.