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@colinhacks colinhacks released this 04 Dec 07:42
· 404 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

There are no breaking API changes, however TypeScript versions 4.4 and earlier are no longer officially supported.

New features

The most feature-packed release since Zod 3.0!


A new schema method .pipe() is now available on all schemas. which can be used to chain multiple schemas into a "validation pipeline". Typically this will be used in conjunction with .transform().

  .transform(val => val.length)

The .pipe() method returns a ZodPipeline instance.


Zod now provides a more convenient way to coerce primitive values.

const schema = z.coerce.string();
schema.parse("tuna"); // => "tuna"
schema.parse(12); // => "12"
schema.parse(true); // => "true"

During the parsing step, the input is passed through the String() function, which is a JavaScript built-in for coercing data into strings. Note that the returned schema is a ZodString instance so you can use all string methods.


All primitive types support coercion.

z.coerce.string();   // String(input)
z.coerce.number();   // Number(input)
z.coerce.boolean();  // Boolean(input)
z.coerce.bigint();   // BigInt(input);     // new Date(input)


A new schema method .catch() is now available on all schemas. It can be used to provide a "catchall" value that will be returned in the event of a parsing error.

const schema = z.string().catch("fallback");

schema.parse("kate"); // => "kate"
schema.parse(4); // => "fallback"

The .catch() method returns a ZodCatch instance.


A long-missing hole in Zod's type system is finally filled! Thanks @santosmarco-caribou.

const schema = z.symbol();

Relatedly, you can also pass symbols into z.literal().

const TUNA = Symbol("tuna");
const schema = z.literal(TUNA);

schema.parse(TUNA); // Symbol(tuna)
schema.parse(Symbol("nottuna")); // Error


A new method has been added to ZodString to validate ISO datetime strings. Thanks @samchungy!


This method defaults to only allowing UTC datetimes (the ones that end in "Z"). No timezone offsets are allowed; arbitrary sub-second precision is supported.

const dt = z.string().datetime();
dt.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"); // 🟢
dt.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00.123Z"); // 🟢
dt.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00.123456Z"); // 🟢 (arbitrary precision)
dt.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00+02:00"); // 🔴 (no offsets allowed)

Offsets can be supported with the offset parameter.

const a = z.string().datetime({ offset: true });
a.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00+02:00"); // 🟢 offset allowed

You can additionally constrain the allowable precision. This specifies the number of digits that should follow the decimal point.

const b = z.string().datetime({ precision: 3 })
b.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00.123Z"); // 🟢 precision of 3 decimal points
b.parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"); // 🔴 invalid precision


Restrict a number schema to finite values. Thanks @igalklebanov.

const schema = z.number().finite();
schema.parse(5); 🟢
schema.parse(Infinity); 🔴
schema.parse(-Infinity); 🔴

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v3.19.1...v3.20.0