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Flip to any state

React v16.3 Context API solved prop drilling but produced a huge unmanagable state tree. flipstate solves this by decomposing Context.Provider into smaller state. Easily manage state per component, but keep the power of having all the state in a single place.

Getting started

Here is a simple counter application.

import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import createState from 'flipstate'

const {
} = createState()

const CounterState = addState('Counter', {
  count: 0,
  increment({count}, amount) {
    return {
      count: count + amount
  decrement({count}, amount) {
    return {
      count: count - amount
const Counter = () =>
  <CounterState>{({count, increment, decrement}) =>
      <p>count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => increment(1)}>+</button>
      <button onClick={() => decrement(1)}>-</button>

</StateProvider>, document.getElementById('entry'))


  • added state are just render prop components
  • StateProvider is the Context API provider and works in the same way. Only state components that are decendents of StateProvider will receive updates (but don't need to be direct children)
  • modules can export state for others to consume. Think AuthState that updates when user logins.
  • compose states from multiple components using
  • state is composed of data + actions
  • actions return an update to merge into the state
  • actions can be async
  • read state value directly off state components and call delete to remove itself (make sure it is actually no longer used or else undefined will be rendered)
  • use dynamic import to code split new data/actions/state/components
  • supports preact, just import 'flipstate/preact'. Requires


flipstate devtool delivers on the promise of "Flip to any state".

You can run the devtool locally or use the hosted version
