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Basic TypeScript declaration generator for CSS files


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Basic TypeScript declaration generator for CSS files.

Table of contents



Install the CLI tool as a dev dependency.

npm install --save-dev css-typed


Run css-typed and pass it a glob targeting your CSS files.

npx css-typed 'src/**/*.css'

This will generate .d.css.ts files next to the original source files.


A CSS module file with the name foo.module.css will emit foo.module.d.css.ts.


Configure TypeScript to allow arbitrary extensions (TS 5+).

	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowArbitraryExtensions": true

Add *.d.css.ts to your .gitignore if appropriate.

echo '*.d.css.ts' >> .gitignore


The following table lists the options css-typed supports. Prior to the 1.0 release, these may change often.

CLI option Description
--dashes Specifies the convention used for locals.


Inspired by postcss’ localsConvention. Prior to v1.0, this option will evolve to more closely match the localsConvention option.

The --dashes option changes the style of exported classnames, the exports in your TS.

By default, css-typed will emit class names as-is if the name represents a valid JS/TS identifier. Note: The logic for “valid” only checks hyphens (dashes, -) as of v0.2.2.

When passed dashes, it will transform kebab-case classes (dashed names) to camelCase. For example, my-class becomes myClass.

Use --dashes when your bundler or build system supports that transformation. For example, Vite and Gatsby support this.


Run script

To run it as part of your build, you will likely include it as a run script, maybe as codegen or pretsc.

	"scripts": {
		"codegen": "css-typed 'src/**/*.css'",
		"pretsc": "css-typed 'src/**/*.css'",
		"tsc": "tsc"


The CLI does not have built-in watch support. Feel free to nodemon or similar.

	"scripts": {
		"codegen": "css-typed 'src/**/*.css'",
		"codegen:watch": "nodemon -x 'npm run codegen' -w src -e css"


typescript-plugin-css-modules provides a great IDE experience, but cannot perform build-failing type-checking. Furthermore, the traditional TypeScript ambient module definition fails the noUncheckedIndexedAccess strict check and causes issues with typed ESLint rules.

// This does not provide strict typing
declare module "*.module.css" {
	const classes: { [key: string]: string };
	export default classes; // It also uses default export 😿

typed-css-modules and typed-scss-modules exist, but the former does not have recent activity and the latter focuses on SCSS. (My current (2023/2024) interests involve modern CSS only.) Both depend on css-modules-loader-core, which appears abandoned.

Therefore, I wrote my own (very basic) implementation.



Implementation details

This (very basic) implementation uses glob for file matching and css-tree for CSS parsing. It extracts CSS classes (ClassSelector in CSS Tree’s AST) and exports them as string constants (named exports).

I chose CSS Tree after a brief search because it had a nice API, good documentation, and supported CSS nesting (a requirement for my original use case).