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Advanced Motions for VSCode

Gives you motion superpowers, partially like vim-like text objects for VSCode!


  • Works fully with multicursor!

Basic usage is ctrl+h or cmd+h then i for inner or o for outer, then the text object!

If you're not currently inside the text object, use ctrl+shift+h or cmd+shift+h prefix instead to jump forwards into it.

If you're not currently inside the text object and need to jump backwards into it, use ctrl+shift+alt+h or cmd+shift+alt+h prefix instead.

These are rudimentary keybinds, if you find better ones to recommend, or want to cutomize them, more power to ya.

The current ones supported are listed here

Text Object Description
w Word
" String (")
' String (')
` String(`)
( / ) Parentheses
[ / ] Brackets
{ / } Braces
< / > Angle Brackets
% Matching Pair ((), [], {}, <>)
p Paragraph

Extension Settings



  • Make keybindings more customizable
  • Add extension settings
  • Add more text objects?