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Im-Beast edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 7 revisions

📖 Preamble

Crayon provides color API which is fully compatible* with chalk API.

* - using @crayon.js/chalk-aliases if it's not please submit an issue


npm install crayon.js #yarn add crayon.js



Syntax: <style|function(<argument>...)>[.<style|function(<argument>...)>...](value*...)

* - value needs to be able to be converted to string

import crayon from 'crayon.js'

console.log('This is red text'))
console.log('This is red text on blue background'))

CSS Keywords

Crayon supports using css keywords via @crayon.js/keywords extension package.
Install package and then import it instead of crayon.js.
In contrast to chalk you can call them directly and crayon provides full autocompletion for them.

npm install @crayon.js/keywords #yarn add @crayon.js/keywords
import crayon from '@crayon.js/keywords'
console.log('This text has khaki background and orange text'))

ES6 Template Literals

Crayon also has support for ES6 Tagged Template Literals.

Syntax for defining color: {<style|function(<argument>...)>[.<style|function(<argument>...)>...] <value...>}
// Examples
console.log(crayon`{red.bgRgb(125,0,125) Hello there! }`
// nesting works too
console.log(crayon`{hex('#FF00FF') {bold xo}{italic xo}}`


bg equivalent example: rgb -> bgRgb

Method Syntax Has bg equivalent Example
rgb (0-255, 0-255, 0-255) Yes crayon.rgb(255,100,50)("text")
hex (#[0-F]{6}) Yes crayon.hex("#0AFF0B")("text")
hsl (0-360, 0-100, 0-100) Yes crayon.hsl(123,100,70)("text")
ansi3 (0-7) Yes crayon.ansi3(4)("text")
ansi4 (0-15) Yes crayon.ansi4(13)("text")
ansi8 (0-255) Yes crayon.ansi8(158)("text")
keyword (style | bgStyle) Yes crayon.keyword("olive")("text")
strip (string) No crayon.strip("text"))
instance (preserve, cache) No crayon.instance(true, '')
clone (clear, addCache) No crayon.clone(true, '')
clearCache () No


Word style in this Wiki refers to any of:

  • Attributes (Modifiers)
  • Basic Colors (4bit)
  • CSS Keywords
reset bold dim italic* underline*
blink fastBlink invert hidden strikethrough*

* - not widely supported


You can prefix color with bg to make it background color and with light to make it light.
examples: lightBlue, bgBlue, bgLightBlue

black red green yellow
blue magenta cyan white


You can access and modify it via crayon.config.
Config is global, this means if you modify it in whatever instance it'll affect all of them.

interface CrayonConfig {
  colorSupport: {
    trueColor: boolean // 24bit colors (16.7m)
    highColor: boolean // 8bit colors (256)
    fourBitColor: boolean // 4bit colors (16)
    threeBitColor: boolean // 3bit colors (8)
  optimizeStyles: { // Whether to automatically optimize styles
    chain: boolean
    literal: boolean
  errors: { // Crayon configuration for error handling
    throw: boolean // Whether to throw error on spotted problem
    log: boolean // Whether to console.log message on spotted problem

To automatically detect terminal color support you can use @crayon.js/color-support extension package.
Install it and then use it to detect colors.

npm install @crayon.js/color-support #yarn add @crayon.js/color-support
import crayon from 'crayon.js' // it'll also work with @crayon.js/keywords
import { getColorSupport } from '@crayon.js/color-support'

crayon.config.colorSupport = getColorSupport()