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How to Contribute

Natalie Pina edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

We're thrilled to be an open-source project and we can't wait to see you what you contribute!

Contribution Guide

Please review the contributing documentation beforehand for more details on contributing to the project.

Steps to Contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone it to your local system. Be sure to run npm install. Then run, npm run storybook to start up the app for local development. See more information in our Getting Started Guide.
  3. Create a new branch. We generally follow standards to name our branch like so <name>/<commit type>/<description>. For example, npina/feat/new-color-picker-component.
  4. Create your awesome changes. ✨
  5. Before committing your changes there are several checks you should run to ensure quality work. Test for any linting or type errors by running npm run lint && npm run test:types. Make sure that tests are still passing by running npm run test To update snapshot tests, run npm run test -- -u and include the updated tests in your commit.
  6. Commit your changes. When committing prefix your commit message with the appropriate conventional commit type. For example, fix: <insert what was fixed>. To choose the appropriate commit type for your changes, please review the list of Commit Types.
  7. Push up your changes. In GitHub, click the compare & pull request button to begin drafting your pull request.
  8. Fill out the pull request form, and it will be reviewed shortly by the UI Team.

Please let us know if you have any issues with the steps outlined above!