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[docs] Add CSS variables documentation for Material UI (mui#33958)
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siriwatknp authored and Daniel Rabe committed Nov 29, 2022
1 parent e59d80c commit 5f81df5
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# Customization

<p class="description">A guide for customizing CSS theme variables in Material UI.</p>

## Theming

`experimental_extendTheme` is an API that extends the default theme. It returns a theme that can only be used by the `Experimental_CssVarsProvider`.

import {
Experimental_CssVarsProvider as CssVarsProvider,
experimental_extendTheme as extendTheme,
} from '@mui/material/styles';

const theme = extendTheme();
// ...custom theme

function App() {
return <CssVarsProvider theme={theme}>...</CssVarsProvider>;

`extendTheme` is not the same as [`createTheme`](/material-ui/customization/theming/#createtheme-options-args-theme).
Do not use them interchangeably.

- `createTheme()` returns a theme for `ThemeProvider`.
- `extendTheme()` returns a theme for `CssVarsProvider`.

### Color schemes

The major difference from the default approach is in palette customization.
With the `extendTheme` API, you can specify the palette for all color schemes at once (`light` and `dark` are built in) under the `colorSchemes` node.

Here's an example of how to customize the `primary` palette:

import { pink } from '@mui/material/colors';

const theme = extendTheme({
colorSchemes: {
light: {
palette: {
primary: {
main: pink[600],
dark: {
palette: {
primary: {
main: pink[400],

### Components

[Component customization](/material-ui/customization/theme-components/) remains the same as the default approach.
We recommend using the value from `theme.vars.*` whenever possible for a better debugging experience:

const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
MuiChip: {
styleOverrides: {
root: ({ theme, ownerState }) => ({
...(ownerState.variant === 'outlined' &&
ownerState.color === 'primary' && {
// this is the same as writing:
// backgroundColor: 'var(--mui-palette-background-paper)',
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.background.paper,

### Channel tokens

A channel token is a variable that consists of [color space channels]( but without the alpha component. The value of a channel token is separated by a space, e.g. `12 223 31`, which can be combined with the [color functions]( to create a translucent color.

The `extendTheme()` automatically generates channel tokens that are likely to be used frequently from the theme palette. Those colors are suffixed with `Channel`, for example:

const theme = extendTheme();
const light = theme.colorSchemes.light;

console.log(light.palette.primary.mainChannel); // '25 118 210'
// This token is generated from `theme.colorSchemes.light.palette.primary.main`.

You can use the channel tokens to create a translucent color like this:

const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
MuiChip: {
styleOverrides: {
root: ({ theme, ownerState }) => ({
...(ownerState.variant === 'outlined' &&
ownerState.color === 'primary' && {
backgroundColor: `rgba(${theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel} / 0.12)`,

Don't use a comma (`,`) as a separator because the channel colors use empty spaces to define [transparency](

`rgba(${theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel}, 0.12)`, // 🚫 this does not work
`rgba(${theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel} / 0.12)`, // ✅ always use `/`


## Adding new theme tokens

You can add other key-value pairs to the theme input which will be generated as a part of the CSS theme variables:

const theme = extendTheme({
colorSchemes: {
light: {
palette: {
// The best part is that you can refer to the variables wherever you like 🤩
'linear-gradient(to left, var(--mui-palete-primary-main), var(--mui-palette-primary-dark))',
border: {
subtle: 'var(--mui-palette-neutral-200)',
dark: {
palette: {
'linear-gradient(to left, var(--mui-palete-primary-light), var(--mui-palette-primary-main))',
border: {
subtle: 'var(--mui-palette-neutral-600)',

function App() {
return <CssVarsProvider theme={theme}>...</CssVarsProvider>;

Then, you can access those variables from the `theme.vars` object:

const Divider = styled('hr')(({ theme }) => ({
height: 1,
border: '1px solid',
borderColor: theme.vars.palette.border.subtile,
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.gradient,

Or use `var()` to refer to the CSS variable directly:

/* global.css */
.external-section {
background-color: var(--mui-palette-gradient);

💡 If you're using a [custom prefix](/material-ui/experimental-api/css-theme-variables/customization/#changing-variable-prefix), make sure to replace the default `--mui`.

### TypeScript

You must augment the theme palette to avoid type errors:

declare module '@mui/material/styles' {
interface PaletteOptions {
gradient: string;
border: {
subtle: string;
interface Palette {
gradient: string;
border: {
subtle: string;

## Changing variable prefixes

To change the default variable prefix (`--mui`), provide a string to `cssVarPrefix` property, as shown below:

const theme = extendTheme({ cssVarPrefix: 'any' });

// the stylesheet will be like this:
// --any-palette-primary-main: ...;

To remove the prefix, use an empty string as a value:

const theme = extendTheme({ cssVarPrefix: '' });

// the stylesheet will be like this:
// --palette-primary-main: ...;

## Custom styles per mode

To customize the style without creating new tokens, you can use the `theme.getColorSchemeSelector` utility:

const Button = styled('button')(({ theme }) => ({
// in default mode.
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.primary.main,
color: '#fff',
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.primary.dark,

// in dark mode.
[theme.getColorSchemeSelector('dark')]: {
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.primary.dark,
color: theme.vars.palette.primary.main,
'&:hover': {
color: '#fff',
backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.primary.dark,

💡 Using this utility is equivalent to writing a plain string `'[data-mui-color-scheme="dark"] &'` if you don't have a custom configuration.

## Force a specific color scheme

Specify `data-mui-color-scheme="dark"` to any DOM node to force the children components to appear as if they are in dark mode.

<div data-mui-color-scheme="dark">
<Paper sx={{ p: 2 }}>
<TextField label="Email" type="email" margin="normal" />
<TextField label="Password" type="password" margin="normal" />
<Button>Sign in</Button>

## Dark color scheme application

For an application that only has a dark mode, set the default mode to `dark`:

const theme = extendTheme({
// ...

// remove the `light` color scheme to optimize the HTML size for server-side application
delete theme.colorSchemes.light;

function App() {
return (
<CssVarsProvider theme={theme} defaultMode="dark">

For a server-side application, provide the same value to [`getInitColorSchemeScript()`](/material-ui/experimental-api/css-theme-variables/usage/#server-side-rendering):

defaultMode: 'dark',

💡 In development, make sure to clear local storage and refresh the page after you configure the `defaultMode`.

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