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Releases: davidsbond/homad


30 Sep 14:16
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Add command for listing container images (#117)

This commit adds the `homadctl containers list` command that will return a list
of all container images in use in the nomad cluster. Specifically it looks for jobs
using the docker driver and grabs the image from their configuration.

This is a precursor to creating a command to check for available image upgrades.

Signed-off-by: David Bond <>


09 Sep 21:28
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Add homadctl application (#111)

This commit adds the initial version of the homadctl command-line tool which I'll slowly
add commands to for automating various tasks. To get started, I've added a command that
can trigger all my periodic workflows relating to garbage collection. While these do run
automatically it's a safe initial command to implement to check things work as expected.

Signed-off-by: David Bond <>


09 Aug 13:24
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Use commits instead of git tags for images (#85)

This commit modifies the goreleaser workflow to use commits for image tag names
rather than git tags. If we have multiple apps in here we don't want the versioning
to be weird where the first version of a new app's image is something like 0.5.0 etc, so
from now on all images just use the commit sha and we can make tag names anything we
want to trigger the workflow.

The vet job should also run on pushes to master now.

Signed-off-by: David Bond <>