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Reddit Timer App

Reddit Timer finds the best time to post on a subreddit by fetching the top 500 posts from a subreddit you provide and displaying those posts within a weekday heatmap, where posts are sorted into hours based on their creation time.

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Reddit Timer App - Homepage


The project is available in one of the courses by The course leaves the tech stack and implementation details up to the developer and simulates real-world workflows through GitHub, ClickUp (a Kanban board), and Figma.

Tasks are broken up into user story acceptance criteria and designs can be referenced through shared Figma files. Pull requests are created per task and are often reviewed by Johannes Kettmann, a senior full-stack developer and creator of

What I Learned

Tech Stack


# Install dependencies
$ yarn install

# Start dev server at localhost:3000
$ yarn start

# Build for prod
$ yarn build

# Start test runner
$ yarn test