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omg.httpServer is the simple http handler for a standard http server. Also, its library contains the router for manage http requests. This library is best for creating API based on http request.


package main

import (

	httpserver ""

type Container struct{}

type AuthInfo struct{}

type UserRequest struct {
	UserID string `args:"user-id"`

type UserResponse struct{}

func main() {
	r := httpserver.NewRouter[*Container, *AuthInfo]()

	sr := r.SubRoute("/api/v1")

	sr.Add("/user/{user-id}", httpserver.Handler[*Container, *AuthInfo]{
		Get: httpserver.Create(func(ctx context.Context, c *Container, a *AuthInfo, rq *UserRequest) (*UserResponse, error) {
			return &UserResponse{}, nil

	r.AddSwaggerSubRoute("/swagger.json", sr, httpserver.SwaggerOpt{})

	h := httpserver.NewHttpHandler(r, httpserver.Options{})

	h.SetAuthFunc(func(request *http.Request) (*AuthInfo, error) {
		return &AuthInfo{}, nil

	server := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":80",
		Handler: h,
