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This is BaseN encoding library. It provides simple API for converting between binary and BaseN encoded text data.
Also there is an implementation of System.Text.Encoding which provides complex streaming API with it's Convert methods.

(Un)desired feature of this library, any invalid symbols (e.g. line breaks) during decoding are ignored.

Supported encoding alphabets are Base16 aka Hex, Base32, ZBase32, Base64, Base64Url.


Install-Package deniszykov.BaseN


Utility classes

Base64Convert.ToBytes(string); // (+ 6 overloads)

// also
// Base64UrlConvert
// Base32Convert
// ZBase32Convert
// HexConvert 


using deniszykov.BaseN;

var bytes = Base64Convert.ToBytes("eg==");
// bytes[0] -> 122

Using BaseNEncoding class

using deniszykov.BaseN;

var encoding = BaseNEncoding.Base64;
var input = "eg==".ToCharArray();
var output = new byte[1024];
var decoder = encoding.GetDecoder();

decoder.Convert(input, 0, input.Length, output, 0, output.Length, flush: true, out var inputUsed, out var outputUsed, out var completed);

// completed -> true
// inputUsed -> 4
// outputUsed -> 1
// output[0] -> 122

There is overload of Convert accepting pointers and Span<T>'s.

Using custom alphabet

using deniszykov.BaseN;

var binHex4Alphabet = new BaseNAlphabet("!\"#$%&'()*+,-012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr".ToCharArray());
var encoding = new BaseNEncoding(binHex4Alphabet, "mac-binhex40");


Benchmark Code
Benchmark Result

|                                 Method |      Mean | Ratio |    Gen 0 | Allocated |
|--------------------------------------- |----------:|------:|---------:|----------:|
|           System_Memory_Base64ToString |  15.57 ms |  0.32 | 125.0000 |  26.67 MB |
|             BaseN_BaseNDecoder_Convert |  29.00 ms |  0.59 | 125.0000 |  26.67 MB |
|           BaseN_Base64Convert_ToString |  39.60 ms |  0.80 | 230.7692 |  53.33 MB |
|           BaseN_Base32Convert_ToString |  46.40 ms |  0.94 | 181.8182 |     64 MB |
|          System_Convert_ToBase64String |  49.21 ms |  1.00 | 181.8182 |  53.33 MB |
| Wiry_Base32Encoding_Standard_GetString |  96.24 ms |  1.96 | 500.0000 |    128 MB |
|       SimpleBase_Base32_Rfc4648_Encode |  99.23 ms |  2.02 | 166.6667 |     64 MB |
|                  Albireo_Base32_Encode | 150.08 ms |  3.04 | 500.0000 |    128 MB |