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Detroit Ledger Frontend

This code produces the site you see on the Detroit Ledger


npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install
gem install sass
gem install compass

See .travis.yml for an example of how to fulfill the compass and sass dependencies if they give you trouble.


gulp watch to recompile and run tests on file change

gulp watch-sans-test to recompile without tests on file change

gulp build to build the site for deployment

Installing a new module

Say you need a new third party library like jquery or bootstrap:

  1. Add it to bower.json
  2. gulp install
  3. Add it to package.json -- make sure it's under browser.


We use a little proxy server to pre-render pages for SEO.

First, you'll need to get a prerender service running somewhere.

Then, configure this app to use that service:

$ export PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=<new url>

Or on heroku:

$ heroku config:add PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=<new url>

You can customize the port the proxy server listens to:

$ export PORT=<8080>

Finally, run the server:

$ node server.js

To test that things are working, vist a URL and change the #! to ?_escaped_fragment_=. If you view source, you should see the full content.


In your local repo, git remote add live

Later on, git push live gh-pages when you want to deploy.

In the background, the following post-receive hook happens:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

. $HOME/.nvm/

export GIT_WORK_TREE="$HOME/repos/detroitledger"
git checkout -f gh-pages


npm install
gulp install
NODE_ENV=production gulp build
docker build -t detroitledger/gnl-frontend:`cd ../detroitledger.git && git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1` .
docker stop gnl-frontend
docker rm gnl-frontend
docker run -d --name=gnl-frontend -e PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=http://`docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' prerender`:3000 detroitledger/gnl-frontend:`cd ../detroitledger.git && git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1`


Get an error like this when running gulp watch?

[10:39:02] Error: Test server exited prematurely.
    at ChildProcess.handlePrematureExit (/Users/matth/projects/detroit/detroitledger/node_modules/exec-wait/index.js:49:25)
    at ChildProcess.g (events.js:199:16)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1078:12)

You probably already have something running on port 8080. Run sudo lsof -i :8080 to find it.


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