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An interval set utility library.


With poetry:

poetry add intervalpy

Or with pip:

pip3 install intervalpy


Have a look at the documentation.

Basic usage:

from intervalpy import Interval

# Create a set [0, 10), i.e. a set satisfying: >= 0, < 10.
digits = Interval(0, 10, end_open=True)

# Get the set (10, ∞), i.e. a set satisfying: > 10
ten_and_up = digits.get_gt()

# Get the set [0, ∞), i.e. a set satisfying: >= 0
positive_numbers = digits.get_gte()

# Perform set comparison
assert ten_and_up.is_subset_of(positive_numbers)

# Equality is by value
assert positive_numbers.intersection( == digits


Updating Documentation

The module pdoc3 is used to automatically generate documentation. To update the documentation:

  1. Install pdoc3 if needed with pip3 install pdoc3.
  2. Navigate to project root and install dependencies: poetry install.
  3. Generate documetation files with: pdoc3 -o docs --html durationpy.
  4. The new files will be in docs/durationpy. Move them to docs/ and replace existing files.