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ZKType - unleash TypeScript bindings for Circom circuits.


To install the package, run:

npm install --save-dev @solarity/zktype


If all of your circuits are in the circuits folder, simply run the following command to generate TypeScript bindings for the Circom circuits:

npx zktype

By default, the script will look for circuits inside the circuits folder. If you wish to specify another folder to look for circuits, you can use the following command:

npx zktype --path ./src 

To learn more about available commands, run:

npx zktype --help 

How it works

Under the hood, ZKType uses the @distributedlab/circom2 package, which contains a WASM-compiled Circom compiler. It uses this compiler to extract ASTs from all the circuits, generate artifacts, and then generate types based on these artifacts.

Known limitations

  • Currently, after each run, all circuits will be recompiled without checking if a circuit has changed or not.