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Go application to export the configuration of an OpenShift deployment


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Go application to export the configuration of applications deployed in OpenShift.

  • Filter namespaces by configurable label(s)
  • For each application (e.g., any Deplopyment, DeploymentConfig and StatefulSet in the matching namespaces), collect the image name and version and the resource configuration and usage (optional)
  • Export configuration in configurable format (text or CSV)
  • Run as a script, a REST service (POST to /inventory endpoint) or a Prometheus monitoring endopoint (GET to /metrics)
  • Run as a standalone executable or in OpenShift containerized environment (REST service only)

Sample output in CSV format without the resource configuration and usage data:

namespace application container imageName imageVersion fullImageName
rhpam rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8 7.9.1 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/rhpam/rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8@sha256:38172680f719cd8eeff1fdf4f2732e7cfdea5109d381ef9108e1c88b74390bc5
rhpam rhpam-server rhpam-server rhpam-server 7.9.1 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/rhpam/rhpam-server@sha256:7f2df7e673e1e9def8575026ef4697341227a9d5860bcb6d3101d80a0701dd3e

Sample output in CSV format including the resource configuration and usage data:

namespace application container imageName imageVersion fullImageName CPU limits memory limits CPU requests memory requests pod CPU usage memory usage
rhpam rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8 7.9.1 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/rhpam/rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8@sha256:38172680f719cd8eeff1fdf4f2732e7cfdea5109d381ef9108e1c88b74390bc5 2 4Gi 1500m 3Gi rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr-1-jqq2l 5m 1493208Ki
rhpam rhpam-server rhpam-server rhpam-server 7.9.1 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/rhpam/rhpam-server@sha256:7f2df7e673e1e9def8575026ef4697341227a9d5860bcb6d3101d80a0701dd3e 1 2Gi 750m 1536Mi rhpam-server-22-4lhwt 2m 1058236Ki

CI pipeline

A GitHub action runs at every new release, and generates the following artifacts:

  • The inventory-exporter.tar artifact is added to the release page after some time
  • The updated container image is published on the public repository

The version is printed at the application startup, as in:

2022-09-23T17:21:58.411+0200	info	The version of ./bin/inventory-exporter-darwin-amd64 is : 0.1.4

Configurable options

Command line arguments

Usage of ./application-exporter:
  -burst int
        Maximum burst for throttle (default 40)
  -content-type string
        Content type, one of text, CSV (default "text")
  -environment string
        Global environment name to tag Prometheus metrics (default "default")
  -log-level string
        Log level, one of debug, info, warn (default "info")
  -ns-selector string
        Global namespace selector, like label1=value1,label2=value2
  -output string
        Global output file name, default is output.<content-type>. File suffix is automatically added
  -run-mode string
        Run mode, one of script, REST or monitoring (default "script")
  -server-port int
        Server port (only for REST service mode) (default 8080)
        Include resource configuration and usage

Note: global settings apply only to script and REST executions. For monitoring executions, the settings are configured differently.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can override the command arguments:

  • RUN_MODE: overrides -run-mode command line argument
  • IN_CONTAINER: any value, specifies that the aplication runs in OpenShift containers
  • LOG_LEVEL: overrides -log-level command line argument
  • NS_SELECTOR: overrides -ns-selector command line argument
  • CONTENT_TYPE: overrides -content-type command line argument
  • SERVER_PORT: overrides -server-port command line argument

REST query

The following query parameters can override the command arguments and environment variables:

  • content-type: overrides -content-type command line argument and CONTENT_TYPE environment variable
  • ns-selector: overrides -ns-selector command line argument and NS_SELECTOR environment variable
  • output: overrides -output command line argument
  • with-resources: any value, overrides -with-resources command line argument
  • burst: numeric value, overrides -burst command line argument

Running as standalone executable

Running with go run


  • Active OpenShift login
  • go, at least version 1.19
  • Clone this git repository

Run the following from the root folder of the cloned repository:

go run main.go

Show the available options with:

go run main.go --help

The following are examples of requests performed using curl:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/inventory"
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/inventory?content-type=CSV&ns-selector=mylabel=myvalue"

Running the binary executable


  • Active OpenShift login
  • Download the latest binaries from the release page and extract the content

Run the following from the folder where you extracted the release archive:


Note: the file name might change depending on the actual target machine and OC.

All the command line arguments and environment variables described before are also applicable.

Building the executable

According to your target platform, choose one of the following build commands to manually build the executable for a given custom version:

GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o inventory-exporter-win-386.exe -ldflags "-X main.BuildVersion=$BUILD_VERSION" main.go
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o inventory-exporter-win-amd64.exe -ldflags "-X main.BuildVersion=$BUILD_VERSION" main.go
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o inventory-exporter-darwin-amd64 -ldflags "-X main.BuildVersion=$BUILD_VERSION" main.go
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -o inventory-exporter-darwin-arm64 -ldflags "-X main.BuildVersion=$BUILD_VERSION" main.go

Running in OpenShift


  • Active OpenShift login

OpenShift templates are available to simplify the deployment in the containerized environment.

Running as a regular Service

  • Using an existing image
export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/service.yaml | oc apply -f -
  • Building the image in the local registry from the Git repo:
export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
export APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/${APP_NAMESPACE}/application-exporter:latest
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/build.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/service.yaml | oc apply -f -

Run oc get route -n ${APP_NAMESPACE} inventory-exporter to get the public URL of your service. Add the /inventory path before invoking the services.

Running as a Serverless Service


  • Red Hat Serverless operator installed and configured

    • At least the KnativeServing instance is needed
  • Using an existing image

export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/serverless.yaml | oc apply -f -
  • Building the image in the local registry from the Git repo:
export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
export APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/${APP_NAMESPACE}/application-exporter:latest
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/build.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/serverless.yaml | oc apply -f -

Run oc get ksvc -n ${APP_NAMESPACE} application-exporter-knative to get the public URL of your service. Add the /inventory path before invoking the services.

Running the Prometheus endpoint

Run the following commands to export the /metrics endpoint for Prometheus scraping (default interval of 1m):

  • Using an existing image
export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc label namespace ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/monitoring.yaml | oc apply -f -
  • Building the image in the local registry from the Git repo:
export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
export APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/${APP_NAMESPACE}/application-exporter:latest
oc project ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc label namespace ${APP_NAMESPACE}
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/build.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=${APP_IMAGE} -f openshift/monitoring.yaml | oc apply -f -

The above deployments do not create a public Route to access the endpoint, you must use the OpenShift monitoring tools to access the exposed metruics.

Note: given the transitory nature of serverless deployments, this option is only supported with the regular Service deployment.

Configuring the Prometheus metrics

The monitoring execution allows to define multiple environments to be collected at the same time. Each environment is specified by a file wih .conf suffix that must be located in the exporter-monitoring-config ConfigMap, that comes with an example file:

  example.conf: |

You can specify as many entry as you want, to let the exporter collect all the associated metrics and aggregate them by the given environment value.

Sample promQL queries

You can perform the following queries on the Monitoring>Metrics console:

# All applications versions
# All applications by given environment
# All applications by version
# All applications starting by a given name

# All applications resources configuration
# All applications resources configuration for containers ending by a given name
# All applications resources usage

Optional template parameters

The following parameters in build.yaml have default values and don't usually need to be customized:

- description: Git repo
  from: '[A-Z0-9]{8}'
  generate: expression
  name: GIT_REPO
- description: Git ref
  from: '[A-Z0-9]{8}'
  generate: expression
  name: GIT_REF
  value: main
- description: Build version
  from: '[A-Z0-9]{8}'
  generate: expression
  value: latest

Uninstalling the application

Run the following commands to completely uninstall the application:

export APP_NAMESPACE=exporter
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/rbac.yaml | oc delete -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -f openshift/build.yaml | oc delete -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=NA -f openshift/service.yaml | oc delete -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=NA -f openshift/serverless.yaml | oc delete -f -
oc process -p=APP_NAMESPACE=${APP_NAMESPACE} -p=APP_IMAGE=NA -f openshift/monitoring.yaml | oc delete -f -

Open issues

See here


The source code and documentation in this project are released under the Apache 2.0 license.


Go application to export the configuration of an OpenShift deployment







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