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A simple, continuous, docker(-compose) enabled, alpine-based container, listening to github webhooks

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# docker-machine create --driver <driver> my_ci
eval (docker-machine env my_ci)
docker run -d \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -p 8080:80 \

curl -X POST "${GITHUB_REPO}/hooks" \
    -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
    -d@- <<JSON
      { "name": "web", "active": true, "events": [ "push" ], "config": {
        "url": "http://$(docker-machine ip my_ci):8080/?token=${GITHUB_TOKEN}",
        "content_type": "json",
        "insecure_ssl": "1"

What ?

A simple, docker(-compose) enabled, alpine-based container, listening for github webhooks.

It will:

  • listen to github webhooks
  • notify github of the build status
  • fetch the corresponding commit
  • execute the $HOOK command inside a separate container
  • send a mail containing the $HOOK command output
  • cleanup running containers and networks afterwards

Why ?

SaaS CIs are cool and all, but you clearly don't have the same flexibility as this \o/
This also prepares the environment with latest versions of docker and compose,
making it a breeze to run your tests.

It's self hosted. It can be used wherever docker is running.

How to customize ?

Note: This is optional.

You can extend the base image and provide a server.pem certificate.
In order to use it, you can COPY it in the image, or mount it using:

docker run \
    -v my-cert.pem:/certs/my-cert.pem \
    -e CERT_PATH=/certs/my-cert.pem

Create the server.pem file

openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes

Note: the certificate must match the public IP (or hostname) that will be used for the webhook.

Create a Dockerfile

FROM docteurklein/compose-ci

COPY server.pem /certs/server.pem

Note: don't forget to add the -e CERT_PATH=/certs/server.pem env variable.

Run it

In order to listen to github webhooks, you'll need to define some environment variables.

Note: All these variables will also be passed to the hook command.

Some variables are mandatory:

  • $GITHUB_TOKEN a valid o-auth token

Some are optional:

  • $HOOK the command to execute (default: docker-compose run tests)
  • $BUILD_IMAGE the image to use for separate containers (default: docteurklein/compose-ci)
  • $BUILD_CMD the command to execute in this separate container (default: python3 -m compose_ci)
  • $SMTP_* if you want to receive emails
  • $CERT_PATH the absolute path to your https certificate
  • $GARBAGE_COLLECT set to 0 to keep the build container (default: 1)
  • $DOCKER_HOST the docker engine socket (default: unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
  • whatever else that is required by your command
docker build -t my_ci .

docker run -it --rm \
    -p 8080:80 \
    -e HOOK="docker-compose run --rm php vendor/bin/phpspec r" \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

Note: We mount docker.sock inside the container.
/!\ This means that any docker command executed by the hook will be made against the host docker engine.

Tadaaa! You now have a service waiting for webhooks on port 8080.
Grab the IP address of your host and configure a github webhook.

Note: The url MUST contain ?token=<my-oauth-token>.
This token MUST match $GITHUB_TOKEN.

Note: Depending wether your certificate (server.pem) is correctly signed, you might have to disable SSL verification.

Manually trigger a build:

You can simulate a github webhook request using:

curl -X POST "$(docker-machine ip my_ci):8080/?token=$GITHUB_TOKEN" -d '{"after": "<commit>"}'

Logs and artifacts

Each build is executed inside a separate container, which means we can leverage the docker capabilities to retrieve logs and data.

Note: These separate containers are removed if $GARBAGE_COLLECT=1.

see what happened

docker logs <uuid>

re-execute a build

docker start -a <uuid>

get files

docker cp <uuid>/tarball .

Note: The uuid is visible at the end of every email and in the response of the webhook http request.

A note about security

It is SSL-ready, but not enabled by default. You need to generate a certificate and enable it, by using the CERT_PATH variable.

The only verification that is made is the $GITHUB_TOKEN comparison
That same token is used to authenticate against the github API.

This is not intended to replace a multi-tenant SaaS.
This is however not really important since you can launch one instance per project.

If you mount the docker socket, anyone can do anything to your host.
If you don't want that, take a look at --userns-remap.
But even then, the same docker engine is shared for every build.


python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit -p "*"


A simple, continuous, docker(-compose) enabled, alpine-based container, listening to github webhooks






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