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Nikhil Mashettiwar edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the DocuSign Node Client wiki!

Getting Started

This example shows you how to do the following:

  • Create a DocuSign Object with an Integrator Key and a Target DocuSign Environment
  • Create a DocuSign Client Object with your DocuSign Account Credentials
  • Create a new Envelope using a Template and sending to the recipient you specify
  • Logout of the Client by Revoking the DocuSign user's OAuth Token
var docusign = require('docusign-node');
var async = require('async');

var integratorKey 		    = "***", //Integrator Key associated with your DocuSign Integration
		email 		        = "***", //Email for your DocuSign Account
		password	        = "***", //Password for your DocuSign Account
		docusignEnv		    = "***", //DocuSign Environment generally demo for testing purposes
		fullName		    = "***", //Recipient's Full Name
		recipientEmail		= "***", //Recipient's Email
		templateId		    = "***", //ID of the Template you with to create the Envelope with
		templateRoleName	= "***"; //Role Name of the Template

var templateRoles = [{
	email: email,
	name: fullName,
	roleName: tempalteRoleName,

    // Step 1 - Initialize DocuSign Object with Integratory Key and Desired Environment
	function init(next){
		docusign.init(integratorKey, docusignEnv, debug, function(response){
			if(response.message === 'succesfully initialized'){
			} else {

    // Step 2 - Create a DocuSign Client Object
	function createClient(next){
		docusign.client(email, password, function(response){
			if('error' in response){
				console.log('Error: ' + response.error);
			next(null, response);

    // Step 3 - Request Signature via Template
	function sendTemplate(client, next){
      client.envelopes.sendEnvelope('Sent from a Template', templateId, templateRoles, function(err, response){
      	  console.log('Error: ' + response.error);
        console.log('The envelope information of the created envelope is: \n' + JSON.stringify(response));
        next(null, client);

    // Step 4 - Revoke OAuth Token for Logout
    function logOut(client, next){
      client.logOut(function(err, response){
        } else {

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