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Releases: doggan/diablogl


09 Nov 07:58
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This is a complete rewrite of v0.1.0 with a reduced feature set, but with a stronger emphasis on moddability. This is still very much a tech proof of concept.

Notable Changes

  • Added support for loading/rendering of Tiled TMX isometric maps.
  • Switched to Phaser framework (previously three.js).
  • Switched to Gulp.js for build process (previously Grunt).
  • Removed dependency on local file server for streaming MPQ data.
    • For the future purpose of moddability, assets will now reside in a local directory.


09 Nov 06:32
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  • Initial release (tech proof of concept).


  • MPQ asset streaming via local file server.
  • Partial town rendering.
  • Basic player pathfinding and idle/walk/attack animations.
  • Basic enemy pathfinding and idle/attack/die animations.

Installation (v0.1.0)

v0.1.0 streams files directly from the MPQ archive via a local file server, so it requires both client and server setup.

File Server Setup

  1. Install Node.js (v0.12.x).

  2. Install mpq-server via npm.

    • npm install mpq-server -g
  3. Run mpq-server.

    $ mpq-server /path/to/DIABDAT.MPQ
    mpq-server running...
    ...port [3000]
    ...archive [/path/to/DIABDAT.MPQ]

Client Setup

  1. Download the v0.1.0 release.
  2. Unpack, and open ./client/index.html in a web browser.
  3. You should see something like this: