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GenerateRuntypes is a codegen library for generating run-time validation schemas in typescript for the runtypes library.

It is capable of generating validation schemas from JSON or code (typescript or javascript). The input must be parse-able, otherwise the generator will choke or will probably produce incomplete schemas.

The output tries to be intuitive, but likely needs some massaging.

try it out

curl -s | npx generateRuntypes --name Pokeman | less

Will output:

import * as RT from "runtypes";
  export const Ability = RT.Record({
    name: RT.String,
    url: RT.String,
  export type Ability = RT.Static<typeof Ability>;
  export const Abilities = RT.Record({
    ability: Ability,
    is_hidden: RT.Boolean,
    slot: RT.Number,
  export type Abilities = RT.Static<typeof Abilities>;
  export const GameIndices = RT.Record({
    game_index: RT.Number,
    version: Ability,
  export type GameIndices = RT.Static<typeof GameIndices>;
  export const VersionGroupDetails = RT.Record({
    level_learned_at: RT.Number,
    move_learn_method: Ability,
    version_group: Ability,
  export type VersionGroupDetails = RT.Static<typeof VersionGroupDetails>;
  export const Moves = RT.Record({
    move: Ability,
    version_group_details: RT.Array(VersionGroupDetails),
  export type Moves = RT.Static<typeof Moves>;
  export const Sprites = RT.Record({
    back_default: RT.String,
    back_female: RT.Null,
    back_shiny: RT.String,
    back_shiny_female: RT.Null,
    front_default: RT.String,
    front_female: RT.Null,
    front_shiny: RT.String,
    front_shiny_female: RT.Null,
  export type Sprites = RT.Static<typeof Sprites>;
  export const Stats = RT.Record({
    base_stat: RT.Number,
    effort: RT.Number,
    stat: Ability,
  export type Stats = RT.Static<typeof Stats>;
  export const Types = RT.Record({
    slot: RT.Number,
    type: Ability,
  export type Types = RT.Static<typeof Types>;
  export const Pokeman = RT.Record({
    abilities: RT.Array(Abilities),
    base_experience: RT.Number,
    forms: RT.Array(Ability),
    game_indices: RT.Array(GameIndices),
    height: RT.Number,
    id: RT.Number,
    is_default: RT.Boolean,
    location_area_encounters: RT.String,
    moves: RT.Array(Moves),
    name: RT.String,
    order: RT.Number,
    species: Ability,
    sprites: Sprites,
    stats: RT.Array(Stats),
    types: RT.Array(Types),
    weight: RT.Number,
  export type Pokeman = RT.Static<typeof Pokeman>;

The CLI accepts two arguments:

Command Description
--in A file to process
--name Top-Level Schema To Export

Due to the type resolution-strategy, the supplied name may be overwritten.

If no file --in file is supplied, the node process will open an stdin socket which allows you to pipe sources into it.

All results are piped to stdout allowing you to redirect the output to a file or another process.


The generator maintains a registry of all records that have been generated. If similar-shaped records are found, they're merged where differing properties are union-ed.

For example, for the following top-level object

  "hero": {
    "stats": {
      "hp": 100,
      "strength": 50
    "stats": {
      "hp": 10,
      "strength": "potato"

Would result in the following schemas:

import * as RT from "runtypes";

export const Stats = RT.Record({
  hp: RT.Number,
  strength: RT.Union(RT.Number, RT.String),
export type Stats = RT.Static<typeof Stats>;

export const Hero = RT.Record({
  stats: Stats,
export type Hero = RT.Static<typeof Hero>;

export const Schema = RT.Record({
  hero: Hero,
  villian: Hero,
export type Schema = RT.Static<typeof Schema>;

Down the road, it should be possible to select different merge strategies, in order to -- for example -- favor discriminated unions when possible.


Generate Runtypes Based On Schemas






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